Fresh Abundant Air

I find myself walking through these days looking for signs of spring. Finally after a deep freeze, Frodo and I were able to get out and walk, oh my, it was refreshing to be outside, breathing fresh abundant air. Can you believe March is upon us? March is a birthday month for many of my family. I see more cakes in my future. I furiously reviewed our cell phone plan, making a detailed analysis and comparing notes. I rarely change plans and so when it's been six + years, I have six years worth of catching up understanding their new catch phrases. I've been savoring the light that I see every day in my home. Late winter light might just be my favorite light of all. Have you noticed that after dinner there is daylight? I see in my future the after dinner walks resuming. Frodo will be thrilled. So I sit here at my computer dreaming of walks where I am wearing a thin fleece jacket and mitten free hands. I predict my dre...