The Happy List

It's been awhile since I've compiled a "happy list". So here it goes: -for finding an apartment in State College for our son this fall----PHEW! -for sunny skies and rainy days -for early morning risings and writings of thoughts, oh and the pens :) -for an awesome noodle bowl lunch yesterday - authentic and good -for cell phones and who they connect me with -knitting anything these days! -for my RA doctor who has tweaked my meds (again) after reviewing my hand x-rays that showed RA damage (boo). He is diligent, caring and wonderful! and I'm feeling a bit better. I see him in a month for another check up. -for salads and crunchy stuff in a salad - lately I'm into almonds or walnuts. -for the power of prayer and positive thinking and focusing on the goodness of every single blessed day What would make your happy list? Please share in the comments I'd love to read them! Also here are some places this week you should visit: -...