
I had the best weekend ever because I stuffed my days with lots of creativity. Yup. My Saturday and Sunday were filled with knitting and painting and setting up my journal. I can assure you I'll be doing this daily so as to continue this good feeling. The above photo is yarn for my son in law's Christmas present (socks). I'll be finishing my daughter's pair first before I begin another pair. The weather felt like fall - low humidity and a cool breeze in the air. I had the back door opened and was delighted to listen to the birds and the cicadas while fresh air billowed into the house. The St. Francis book was written in the late 90's and it could be applied to our life today. I'm enjoying reading this book. Have you read it? I also put my sister's have finished featherweight on the needles, deciding to drop down a size to match her tighter gauge. This will be my Christmas present for her - to finish off the ribbing on the body, knit...