Welcome Back Little World

This week has been peaceful, even Frodo is enjoying the lull after a whirlwind weekend. The frenzied list making and remembering random musts have been replaced by quiet moments of mundane every day events. I've welcomed back simple grocery lists, reading snippets on blogs, articles and a magazine. I sat and watched the clouds roll by, not really thinking of much but feeling refreshed. The emptiness of my days have been filled with gratitude and contentment. I've learned that I do not thrive on stress, planning a wedding is hard work and emotional, I take way too much personally and I love my every day "boring" life. I welcome back my journal mornings, praying for friends and family and noticing the little slice of world I am blessed to occupy. Life is good. Mornings have been restorative once again. Oh do not be mislead, I am still plotting and planning, but this time it's about returning to healthy eating, prioritizing exercise and ta...