Summer Bucket List

Everyday lately is a thunderstorm day, sometimes Mother Nature switches it up and gives us a tornado watch or warning. Daily rain yields flowers blooming (that's me focusing on the positive). My weather app shows clouds every day for the next ten days. I'm hoping that the sun will visit once in a while just for giggles. Next week is my LAST week of babysitting and then I'm on summer vacation for TEN whole weeks. I'll miss the little preschooler but reclaiming two days a week will be decadent. So far here is my summer bucket list (in no particular order): - walk with my husband and Frodo - weather permitting -watercolor daily and improve my skills -sketch daily -read a book a week at least (lofty goal because I do not read much during the day) -go to the gym five times a week (weight training stays at 3x/week) -improve my endurance on the never-ending step machine at the gym -knit holiday projects -go thru my yarn stash and pick projects t...