Casting On Daydreams

I've decorated the main floor of my house on a smaller scale, yet this smaller scale took me just as long because I had to go through all the boxes of Christmas stuff to find 'the best of' items. I'm pleased with the results. Each morning, I sit and write in my journal while shooing the cat away from the tree. She is persistent. Holly at times is quite respectful of the tree and acts like an angel. Then she will do a dive bomb into the tree. She loves the tree and frequently risks safety and walks by the sleeping dog to gaze upon its beauty. She knows a good thing when she sees it. In hopes of curbing her dive bombing skills, I placed a basket next to the tree for some cat napping. I think she likes it. Our cat-dog drama has hit a stride of almost harmony. Almost. On December 9th she will be here one whole year. I cannot imagine the house without her (well I can imagine the quietness of the house without her)....