Summer Goals

Since arriving home from my beach vacation, I've spent the week playing catch up. The days leading to the vacation, I prepared and gathered items that were needed. Once we returned, I have to put everything back. My house is almost tidy. Of course the camera only shows you the tidy sections. I want to continue that vacation feeling through out the summer. This morning I wrote down how I felt and reflected upon the large spans of time where I felt uninterrupted. I know I sound silly but the media (me seeking the news feeds) really puts a damper on my focusing and productivity. Frodo in his thoughtful spot I was chatting with my sister (daily, on the phone) and she's looking forward to a week off from work and she's scheduling in peaceful activities to make sure she captures the vacation feeling during her stay-cation. You know, that is something I'm going to do as well! As I say goodbye to the last day of June and welcome in July....