It's Beginning

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in my house. Call me crazy but this time of year is my kind of season. I love to be cold down to my bones, I love the cozy feeling of an early morning and evening both in the dark and of course the anticipation of the holidays. I am very lucky that both kids will be here for the holidays and they will overlap each other's visits during the Christmas week. As long as I can remember, I have strived to get most of the shopping done before December so I can enjoy December. I don't like crowds or pressure. This year I might be done within a week or so. My mom was a fantastic gift giver. She would ask us for our Christmas lists in September. At the time I thought she was crazy but now that I know how long it takes to knit gifts, she was a sane person. Not only did she knit clothes for my kids and my nephew, she would sew clothes for all three kids as well. I miss her. So far Holl...