Knitting News

Hello knitting peeps and non-knitting peeps. I'm excited to tell you all about my knitting because I am finally (finally!) at the fair isle knitting band before the ribbing of the body of the sweater . Honestly, I'm a little sad that the miles of stockinette are done but I'm thrilled to be nearly finished with the body and so very close to the sleeve knitting. Lucky for me, I love sleeve knitting and how speedy the knitting goes as the stitches are decreased. The husband's socks are not seeing much action. I'm reserving them for babysitting days and lately I haven't had time to knit like I usually do because of inclement weather and starting work at a later date or not going to work at all. I also spend approximately an hour a day on my son's blanket . This is a long term project that is at the ready by my loveseat for TV knitting. What are you crafting these days?