Currently on the Needles

I bought both of these books over the weekend and I started both as well. This is unusual since I take some time to get around to starting books (I have quite the "to read" pile in my bedroom). I'm reading The Lake House in the evening and while I'm cooking dinner I read a few pages of The Once and Future King . I'm excited about both reads but have no opinions as of yet. My Leaf Cowl is almost done! What a delightful pattern that knits up quickly and is pretty. I just might cast on another one for the gift pile. Also I started Silverleaf shawl to join in a lovely Knitalong started my the wonderful Tracey at Clover blog . Care to join? Please do. Also we are keeping up with our projects on Instagram. If you missed the post, I finished my Antarktis Shawl and posted here What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams