The Fair

We had the opportunity to attend the fair this past week. Ah, nothing like the sights and sounds of excitement. I grew up without a fair since I grew up in the city. I love the rural life I live and never tire of the blue ribbons awarded to gardeners and crafters. I did not enter any of my knits, I never do. Truth is I'm too lazy to drive them there and pick them up! However, I can appreciate other people's talents and I can get some nifty ideas. The downsize of attending the fair is the after effects of eating non-healthy food. Sigh. I need a salad, I crave a salad! Thank goodness this event only happens once a year. My body requires a year to recover from the decadence. If you know me at all, you know I gravitate to the barns to see the animals. Sheep and goats are my absolute favorites. My husband would love to own some farm animals - I just like the daydreaming portion but I doubt the reality of tending far...