Slow Going Day

I find it humorous that when I am feeling on top of the world in my physical activity and my dedication to the gym, something humbling happens to reset my confidence. Yesterday I was in a hurry (always bad) and I tripped over my husband's boots in the garage. There is an ongoing dispute as to how 'tucked' away they are. My opinion is if I trip on them they are not tucked away. Keep in mind these boots have been in the same place for ten years, you would think I would learn.. The good news is I did NOT fall nor did I sprain any delicate ankles. Also my back is fine. The bad news is I stumbled and pulled my right back leg muscle that just aches. Good grief. I'm hoping this is a quickly resolved strain/sprain since I already feel a lot better this morning. And I never did take any pain medicine last night. However it's a slow going day. Watch where you walk people! The winds were blustery yesterday and ...