
Showing posts from July, 2014

Currently on the Needles

Oh my knitting is fabulous-I am loving each stitch of my shawl  I have only three more chart patterns to go but they will go slowly because of the massive amount of stitches on the needles.  The geometric design is interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing this project blocked out!  Wearing this in the early Fall is making me quite happy to think about.  The daydreaming begins. I finished The Interestings  last week and it wasn't that interesting overall.  There were times that the plot was captivating but overall I didn't care for the characters.  So, my new read is a book I picked up while in Hilton Head, who knows how this one will be.  I only just started to read a few days ago so I haven't formed an opinion as of yet. What's on your needles? Joining Frontier Dreams

Exploding with Ideas

I think I could eat a bowl of Cheerios every single day for the rest of my life.  Boring maybe but gosh I do love them so.  Today my daughter starts the two day Bar exam test....fingers crossed!  Around here the days have been mild, outside I inhale that coolness and embrace the chill in the air. Remember a few days ago I said I wanted to finish a pair of socks.  Well, of course my left hand started to ache so I had to set aside that project and let my hand heal. My hand is fine now but I think to be safe I'll let it rest more, for some reason my dpn knitting is hard on my hands.  Using wooden needles has helped but still I get aggressive in the knitting. I walk around day in and day out with ideas that pop into my head, visions of projects to be or maybe who should receive what gift that's been knitted by me for Christmas.  I'm exploding with ideas!  I dream of fingerless mitts or a cowl as the theme for the holidays.  What do you think? What I love best abo


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Chocolate chip cookies are in the house :) Friday was a nice evening where we went out for dinner at a favorite restaurant for pizza.  I finished some continuing education work online in the afternoon that took longer than I thought, as it always does, and I enjoyed the celebratory feeling at the meal.  Another task crossed off the list. Saturday was a lazy day.  I walked twice and thoroughly enjoyed the mild weather.  If only summer could stay in the low eighties, maybe then I wouldn't grumble about my least favorite season.  I didn't cook dinner because of the leftovers from Friday's dinner out.  I watched some Dr. Who and knit furiously on my socks.  I have a personal goal of finishing them in a few days.  Imaginary pressure is on :) Later today after church, I&#

Dinosaurs, Moments and Blackberries

A few weeks ago I woke up to a little parade of origami dinosaurs on my table in the family room, I've left them as placed since they blend in.  In less than a month, waking up to origami surprises will end.  I'm excited for my son's new school year in a new place.  Our daughter is also moving in the next few weeks.  She's taking the bar exam next week and then we help with the relocating, busy busy busy. So while there is change going on in their lives, I'm waking up and being present in my life.  Yesterday was spectacular weather.  I wore a hoodie in the morning on my walk--amazing!  Cold fronts in the summer are pockets joy.  I'm thankful for the fresh breezes and blue skies. I won a spot in an ecourse, 28 moments given by Michelle .  (thank you Michelle!)  I have been thoroughly enjoying this course which is chock full of writing prompts, photography prompts and a private group on Flickr.  Originally, I thought I was "too busy" to do a c

Currently on the Needles

My blanket is growing day by day, I'm loving each evening when I pick up this project and work for an hour or two.  I wonder how long this project will take until it's completed.  I still have lots of scrap fingering weight yarn to knit through so I know this will continue to be on the needles for quite some time.  As you know, each family member has claimed this blanket as their own :) My reading is slow but enjoyable.   The Interestings  is mildly interesting and at times it peaks and becomes extremely captivating only then to return to a lull.  I'll have to completely finish this book to say whether I recommend a book shelf adoption. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Blog Hop :: Creativity

Last week Hege from Cloudberry  invited me to join a blog hop and answer some questions about creativity.  So here it goes... 1.  What have been the doings/makings/scribblings at your desk/making table this week? My desk has been a landing place for various projects to be tagged or gifted.  I've done some super secret knitting plus I have some note cards to write out in the next few weeks.  Soon I'll be balling up another skein of yarn for another project but I'd like to finish the three projects I have currently on the needles:  a sock, a shawl and a blanket all on my Ravelry page . Last year I carved a bit of space for myself in the guest bedroom, I love the lighting and the coziness of that little corner. 2.  Where are you currently finding your inspiration? I find inspiration on many other blogs that I visit daily.  On my walks I'll see golden flowers against a dark brown trunk and think that would be a lovely sweater color combination.  So nat


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend has been slow, just the way I needed the weekend to be, here's the list: -enjoyed the cooler weather by being outside more-sitting on the patio -brought cupcakes into the house! -called my dad and wished him a very happy birthday -realized that within a month one kid will be moved out--eep! -spent some time in my studio, tidying up and reorganizing -enjoyed the quiet early morning hours alone -heard the cicadas for the first time -today I'll be menu planning, reading the Sunday paper, doing a puzzle or two, plotting out the week ahead. How was your weekend?

Stress Free days

Each day begins in quiet and slow purposeful movements and somewhere during the day the speed hastens and I wonder where has the day gone?  More importantly, I question "what have I achieved today".  This week has revealed to me the many pockets of time that I waste. So I turned off notifications on my phone, I was checking and rechecking the notifications then clicking the links and then time was siphoned away from me.  Just turning off the notifications gave me some peace. You know I love the internet and wouldn't live without it, but too much of anything isn't healthy.  I've commented before on my unplugged weekends and my time away from the computer leads to joy and  happiness.  These days that have past have been stressful and busy and capturing the peace and quiet that my essence requires was important. Living a life intently gives me the happiness that I crave.  I don't want one specific hobby defining my entire day. Last night as I r

Currently on the Needles

This is a quick post, I'm still, yes still working on my socks , shawl and the blanket .  Sort of slow going in the knitting and reading in my life.  I'm looking forward to fall when there is more time to focus on my knitting. My reading is the same, The Interestings  has actually become a little interesting.  The beginning for me was slow going but now that I'm more than half way through I like the story.  I have no idea where the story is going but that makes me like reading it all the more! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Outside Views

Over the weekend, I spent some time alone outside with the big camera looking at my small world through the lens.  I love how we walk about in ordinary time and see beauty but when there is a camera involved the outside views are fine tuned, focused and exact.  In capturing these photos, I stopped time for a second and saved a bit of loveliness from the day. Our liatris has been blooming magnificently even though some rabbits keep trying to trim the new shoots down to the ground.  I've seen many butterflies and even honey bees! Outside walking in the garden I forgot about the heat and humidity and soaked in what summer is all about.  Summer is blooming, buzzing, flitting around me, I stop, look and  listen to the season's best offerings. I hope you are enjoying your outside views this week!


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Frodo is recovering from a grooming appointment.  He takes extra naps and needs extra snuggles.  My weekend was slow and purposeful: -I celebrated two apartments found now- toe tapping and waiting for rental agreements to be signed for the official deep sigh of relief -corn on the cob again for a meal-lots of butter and salt -time alone outside with the big camera and loving the depth of the photos -eliminating a stack of papers on the kitchen counter -watching Dr. Who -enjoying the lull of the afternoons-quiet and peaceful -knitting -creating new lists for relocating two kids in six weeks (six! weeks!) -loving how my husband and I can help them with their transitions and appreciating our relationships with adult children Today will be Mass, laundry and gettin


-We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing-                                                                                                                     Satchel Paige Five or so years ago, I wrote out some goals during the end of December for resolutions.  I focused on three areas:  spirituality, creativity and health.  My spirituality goal easily evolved into praying in the mornings and establishing a daily practice.  Creativity is evident with all the knitting I produce but I wanted to get back to writing in a journal and making that a daily habit.  With the help of expanding my morning alone time and creating an environment to sit and ponder, I am happy with my daily journal entries, participating in writing prompts. My health goal was the last aspect of my daily life that I procrastinated on.  I do not like to move unless I am getting more yarn for a knitting project.  I thrive sitting inside and cocooning myself away from the

Currently on the Needles

I love starting new projects especially lace weight ones and yesterday was the day to cast one on.  This project was lined up for vacation beach knitting and as always, I never started the knit because I over pack for trips and have little time to sit and focus. Here is the ravelry page . Are you surprised that my reading is the same?  I'm not at all.  I have minimal time to read but since the house is settling down with busyness, I think I'll be able to sneak in a few hours more during the day.  The book continues to be okay, and so I will continue to read. I recently moved those shamrock plants to this table because I think the left one was getting too much direct lighting.  So now we'll see if they can recover and be happy.  Also the origami is a five sided tetrahedron , he gave this one to his dad for his office.  There is origami sprinkled everywhere in this house. joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

The Happy List

I find that the more I check off my to do list the more I add to the list.  As you know, we found an apartment for our daughter after a two month search.  A huge weight off of my mind and instead of celebrating, I turn around and start the search for my son's apartment.  This one is challenging because he will be in Boston and that is not near here.  So more juggling of the logistics of seeing places.  Thankfully my husband is the adventurous city traveler and so I will create the checklist and send them on their merry way. Not sure when.... So while I am busy and living a full purposeful life, I am creating a happy list: -walking after six in the evening with my dog and my family -coffee in the early morning while I journal -knitting my blanket -planning a new knit! -sesame bagels -avocados with salt (I am a salt lover and I dread the day the dr says 'no') -AC -sticking to my walking and my yoga routines -love the feel of more flexibility and less aches and


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend was busy with a full house since both kids were home.  In favor of the list making, here's the weekend summary: -corn on the cob with burgers and a spinach feta pasta salad -s'mores on the grill (while pretending the grill is a campfire) -thinking about the s'mores was a happy two day event for me -a beautiful cold front blew through the area and I enjoyed a jacket wearing walk -apartment searching for my daughter is over-once the application is filled out and a deposit is made -walking twice a day and stopping to pick raspberries because they are sweet -knitting -finishing a challenging sudoku that lasted three days Today will be the laundry, cleaning, menu planning for the week, and hopefully I will see my coffee table once more. How was your

Hellos and Goodbyes

Are you ready for a cute post filled with fluff? Before you all get excited, I did not adopt two adorable puppies, but my dear friend did!   Last week the big day arrived for my friend and her family to pick up their golden doodle puppies.  They have been dogless for about seven months and every couple of days I would receive a text about how many days were left for the big day. As you know, the saddest event in owning a pet is saying the 'goodbyes' if only they could live as long as we do.  However, the happiest event is saying the 'hellos'.  That new puppy smell brings so much joy!! Both of these sweeties just finished eating a meal so one was groggy and the other had a bit of spunk.  We sat in lawn chairs just watching them frolic and play.  Simple pleasures.  I was thankful to be included in their family joy. Today I have a full house and we are going to celebrate the Fourth with lots of food.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Currently on the Needles

As promised, I cast on my new socks over the past weekend, still toying with the idea of keeping the ribbing going down the leg of the sock, or not...can't decide yet.  Love the color repetition!  I also finished my shawl  and posted yesterday. I am thrilled with how the shawl turned out :) I am reading The Interestings  by Meg Wolitzer and I needed two chapters read to get into the story line.  So far it's okay, I'm hoping that I will become more engaged with the characters and the plot.  Still early days though.  I also picked up the new issues of Vegetarian Time and the Yoga Journal for something to flip through while ignoring the heat wave we are having here in PA. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Red Rock Canyon Shawl Complete

I finished the shawl  over the weekend and gosh, I wish it was cold outside so I could wear it!  I know, I know, all you summer loving people out there just groaned and grumbled a bit.  I'll be quiet and wait patiently for fall, but it won't be easy. This knit required focus, no talking and chatting while knitting.  The pattern  has both written directions and charted ones.  I loved the charted ones immensely, they were color coded and the symbols were easy to memorize. The wool is madelinetosh merino light , one of my favorite brands.  I was pleasantly surprised when soaking this shawl that the purple did not bleed into the gray.  An added bonus!