
Yarn Along

My tea leaves cardigan is making progress.  The body is complete and my only modification was to add an extra inch to the body length since I am on the tall side of life.  The first sleeve is nearly complete, I might add a bit of length to that as well.  I have daydreams of a finished sweater within the week-fingers crossed that they come true. Ha!  I bet you think I'm reading that book.  Well how about I admit it is the book that I want to read next.  I am savoring the bittersweet end of Wuthering Heights  today.  Cathy (Jr) is about to make the mistake of her life and somebody is finally going to die of consumption.  I've lost count on how many times I've read this book and every time I visit I experience a new facet of the plot.  To me, it is a must read classic. Because it's open source I've been reading the printed version late at night and during the day while knitting miles and miles of stockinette I've found my place in the book on my Ipad book re

Knitting Notions

I thought today I'd share with you what is in my knitting bag, my essentials for knitting on the go.  First off I'm carrying a set of double pointed needles size 7 because they're short and wooden and perfect for catching slippery stitches when I unknit or drop down a few rows to fix an error.  The needles in the photo are Brittany  and were a gift from my dad and step mom quite a bit ago.  They are my only wooden needles.  Next up is my needle sizer, which is an heirloom because it was my mom's sizer.  I love how it is a bit worn and bent.    The cable needles are from knit picks , I own so many brands but these I love because of the grooves and the colors! No knitter should be caught without some form of moisturizing!  I have many lotions and potions scattered through out the house and a knitter needs one in their bag.  This moisturizing stick was purchased in Cape May, NJ and every time I use it I am transported back to a beach and a vacation.  Lip balm is also


Do you see that!  Snow-in great multitudes, well three inches which is incredible because it was not predicted.  I was excited by the surprise and almost most of it is melted today.  Short and sweet.  This weekend has been chock full of goodness including: -mac and cheese, homemade of course -lunch out with immediate seating due to snow storm-Score! -knitting continuously on the body of the sweater, if the stars align and I'm not sidetracked I should be done tonight and onto a sleeve -laughter and talking -hearing a woodpecker early this morning but not finding him in the trees -a lovely orange sunrise -another viewing of Monsters, Inc (son's favorite movie) tonight with hot tea How was your weekend? Joining Amanda

The Week

 Driving home after completing various errands, I happened to spy this graceful hawk.  He was waiting patiently for a dinner.  I quickly stopped and captured him forever on my phone.  How lucky was I?  I was excited to be at the right place at the right time. Today, our son will be arriving for his spring break.  I still have to load up on some of his favorite foods, however I did plan out the menu.  I think it's so much easier to cook for more than two or maybe I need to learn to cook for two.  I tend to rely on salads many days. I have a self imposed knitting deadline to finish or nearly finish the sweater that is on the needles.  So for the weekend I'll be working towards that goal.  This morning I'll be finishing up paperwork and making my to do lists, that will lead to an afternoon of freedom. Today I'm enjoying: -a freshly groomed dog who smells delightful                                  -a pink sunrise that is trying to break out into sunshine    

Yarn Along

I admit that I'm still reading the same books.  This past week I've only read at night which leads to little progress.  Last night I finished Plan B  by Anne Lamott and enjoyed it more so than Traveling Mercies . Her essays have a mature writing about them and being somewhat mature it struck a personal chord within me.   Wuthering Heights is chugging along as well.  Every time Joseph the servant speaks I'm slowed down by his "accent".  Sometimes he goes on and on in the book, which makes me dislike him all the more.  Currently Heathcliff has returned mysteriously richer.  Cathy is being "friends" with him even though her husband Edgar gets mad.  And poor Isabella she is crushing on Heathcliff.  I want to warn Isabella too!  Hindley poor fellow is about to lose his inheritance through his own fault.  I cannot wait for consumption to hit some of the characters. My knitting is on fire this week.  I've made great progress with the body of the sweate

The Knitting Process

Isn't it nice to have a sunny mossy photo to look at?  Today it's dreary and drippy, gone is that lovely sunshine that hinted at spring.  I think we are heading back to cooler weather, that is find with me. I thought I'd share the process of how I choose my projects.  Since I've started knitting I've been the kind of person who is influenced by the yarn first.  Walking through yarn stores, I am mainly motivated by the color and the fiber.  Well I am partial to thin yarn as well.  I will walk through a yarn store and just soak in the displays of yarns, once, twice, three times around.  I try to get an understanding of how the shop is set up.  I love stores that sort yarn by brand or by weight including the yardage is helpful as well. Once I've fallen in love with some yarn (and that does happen!) then I'll think about what I would do with it.  Scarf? Shawl? Sweater? Socks? Mitts? or a Hat?  I usually knit those items the most.  Price is factored in be


My weekend summary: - YAWN -time change is very tiring... -we walked the three of us in full sunshine yesterday on dry (not muddy) dirt roads.  Birds sang and spring gently whispered in our ears.  Sure there will be more snow and cold weather but it will be brief.  Trees are budding! -with spring comes the craving of tossed salads.  My current favorite is assorted lettuce and vegetables with chickpeas and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top-yum! -Knitting the lace edging of my pi shawl, I believe it's going to take forever.  Lucky for me, I like to knit. -phone calls from the kids-our son will be home next weekend for his spring break!! -hiding the winter boots and woolen socks (for now), washing winter coats, matching up mitts and folding up scarves.  Still at the ready, just in case.  And I know I'm tempting fate. -afternoons of reading novels attacking crossword puzzles and snuggling with Frodo. How was your weekend? Joining Amanda