
Emotions and Healing

This week has been quite the week with emotions.  Usually I'm not emotional, I can keep the tears at bay even during a heart wrenching movie.  Now when I'm worried about my health, well then the waterworks begin!  Monday had me worried and crying about my eyes, so I went to an urgent eye care clinic at the big big hospital and saw an ophthalmologist. You see, I started with a simple eye infection and those antibiotic drops caused corneal abrasions that were not healing with subsequent drops prescribed.  So after the third visit and my eyes looking worse I knew I needed to switch doctors. So now the good news, after two days of yet again new antibiotic eye drops, I went for a return visit for a recheck with the reddest eyes (so ugly!).  However, my corneas are nearly healed and I've now started a steroid drop that has reduced the inflammation significantly.  This is by far the best my eyes have felt in a long long time.  I see her (the doctor) next week.  I feel I&

Bluebird Mitts Complete

Another holiday knit finished!  I just love these mitts and it'll be hard to part with them.  But knitters who give gifts have to part ways with some of their creations.  I know that the person who receives these mitts will love them! These mitts make me wish for snow :) Ravelry notes are here .

Currently on the Needles

My knitting and reading this week have been kind of slow.  However, I did have a chance to start a hat for a Christmas gift, no project page yet but the pattern is here .  I'd like to start some fingerless mitts for gifts as well this week. That is my knitting plan and I'm sticking to it. I continue to enjoy All the Light We Cannot See.   The plot is slowly building up, more characters are being introduced and I'm waiting for all the characters to be woven together.  How exciting! What are you knitting and reading? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams