
Currently on the Needles

Good morning!! This week my knitting has been minimal but I keep trying every day to add a few rows.  As I mentioned in this post  my RA flare up is STILL hanging around.  I am off prednisone (yay) and am now managing with Tylenol, icing my right hand and wrist and wearing the wrist splint religiously. I am improving every single day while waiting for long term med adjustments to kick in.  Call me an optimist but I think any day now that will happen!  It must. So while I'm taking care of myself, I have added a few rows to the baby blanket each night and I add a repeat to the lace shawl  ever so slowly.  I'm celebrating what I can do and know this is all temporary. My reading has been fun.  I'm still reading The Tavern on Maple Street  as my night time reading.  I'm enjoying the story and the cast of characters.  At the library, I picked up a bunch of creativity books.  I've read  Big Magic  in a few days, I'm glad the library had this book and the wri


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Hello!  As I type this post, it's tipping down buckets of rain.  My husband is whipping together a home made pizza with mushrooms and black olives.  This rainy day makes for an excellent excuse to stay home and do nothing :)  How was your weekend? I hope it was filled with family and friends and good times. Mine started off strong with walks around the neighborhood with Frodo - more dinners at home instead of eating out (I am on an inspirational roll!) - loving the summer-like days.  My husband and I sat in the back yard, listening to the birds, reading books and talking.  It was nice. Yesterday I celebrated my first day in 32 days of not being on Prednisone.  Unfortunately today, I'm in a lot of pain in my right hand and wrist, so I'll be calling the RA doc (

Summer Intention List

Every single morning this week I did my yoga routine while babying my gimpy wrist (which is overall much much much better).  It feels good to be back into my daily practice.  Of course I've modified a few poses but that isn't a big deal for me.  I am enjoying knowing that I am doing exercises that are good for my body and for my mind. The wild roses are blooming this week and they seem to be abundant!  On my daily walks there are many dead trees (some kind of tree borer) and yet the roses have climbed and decorated and revitalized the end of a tree's life - beautiful! I also spied the first daisy bloom - a personal favorite . The beginning of June is so fresh with promise especially the start of summer.  This summer I want to really be in a "summer frame of mind".  My childhood summers were full of: -fire fly catching -endless book reading on the front porch swing with iced tea (no lemon) -pick up games of soft ball with the neighborhood kids -fre