
Perhaps Maybe

Perhaps maybe, snow will fall this weekend.  Since I was a starry-eyed teen, I've wished for November snow especially on my birthday.  My mother would be beside herself listening to Christmas music coming from my bedroom at the start of Halloween.  She thought that was too early.  I disagreed and played my Johnny Mathis albums as loud as possible while singing along. Perhaps maybe I will finish my super secret knitting.  I'm starting to feel the crafting ennui in the project but I'm ignoring that feeling and pressing along.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I am so very very close!  Once I finish, I can cast on something for myself. Perhaps maybe this photo of Frodo with his wee tongue sticking out is the sweetest ever.  He hates to be photographed.  Camera shy?  You know who else is camera shy?  Those deer that are in my yard, they scamper away every time I see them.  I know and you know, I will get that photo shot, I always do. Perhaps maybe I wil

Currently on the Needles

I only just realized that I have a mere seven days to get done what I want to get done before the Thanksgiving holiday.  My self imposed deadlines are looming.  So I went into high gear knitting for the mitts.  I finished the one in the above photo and started the second pair of mitts.  The second pair is the last pair.  To the right in the basket is my super secret knitting project that I cannot show you.  Sigh. I have a difficult time with let's see if I can hold out for a few more weeks?? I continue to read The Book of Speculation  which started off quite good but now I'm just wondering why all the character's conversations seem forced and unreal.  The plot gets weird and I'm suspending belief to finish.  I have less that 80 pages to go.  Thank goodness. Alexander Hamilton is FANTASTIC.  Each sentence is loaded with information.  This is my first time reading a non fiction historical book.  I must say, I love it!  I wonder, why didn't my hi


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Another weekend here and then soon to be gone, was yours a good one?  Mine started off super relaxed and lazy.  I was unplugged (again) from news feeds and media and really it's been quite refreshing. I restarted up my yoga practice yesterday morning after a six week hiatus due to some minor back issues.  I'm easing in with every other day and seeing how it goes.  I'm "hyper aware" and being cautious.  I need the yoga, my frantic knitting makes me kind of a crooked lady!! not too sure about this book....I'm half way through and the characters are getting weird. We didn't go anywhere except Saturday early evening Mass.  Have you been watching The Crown on Netflix, it's quite the visual delight.  I am hooked and I love that there is enough talkin

Energized and Focused

Something happened this week that I've been anticipating for quite some time.  I am energized and focused on many exciting creative projects.  Finally.  I have to confess when I had my RA flare up in the spring, I was sidelined with my knitting and with that my enthusiasm for crafting. Sure I was still knitting here and there and cranking out the projects.  But that spark of excitement was dulled by health challenges and worries.  Summertime is my worst season for my joints and I scale back on my knitting.  I'm an oddity because the cold weather makes my joints feel fabulous.  My doctor chuckles whenever I mention that.  He says every single time "oh, you are one of those".  Yup. My enthusiasm starts with a list.  Always and forever, a LIST.  I get joy seeing my wishful thinking on paper using my favorite pen.  That giddy feeling of trying to cross off each task.  I wish I could explain it more.  But you list makers out there know what I'm talking about

Currently on the Needles

Good morning! Oh my goodness, my knitting and my reading is swelling in overload.  I have some personal knitting goal deadlines for Thanksgiving. So I'm knitting once again a couple of mitts using the fetching pattern I adore.  I have this pattern memorized, burned into my brain.  That's the kind of knitting that feels like visiting an old friend.  You know, when you meet up with a buddy and no matter the span of time that has elapsed, your conversations fall into a comfortable rhythm.  So good! Now onto the huge gigantic tome I'm reading.  My son mentioned in a conversation that he was going to start reading Alexander Hamilton.   Without thinking, I said "oh, I'll do a read along with you!".  My sister and my nephew are also on board with this read along.  My daughter is still "thinking" about it.  She is participating in  nanowrimo and has limited time.  My book arrived on Monday and so I started.  Wish me luck on finishing before the yea

Purple Dots Cardigan Complete

I finished this sweet little cardigan last week and am pleased to share with you how I blocked the sweater so that the fronts behaved.  Since the wool is an acrylic blend, I didn't use the traditional wet blocking method.  Instead, I pulled out the can of starch and the iron.  I cannot tell you how pleased I am with how the sweater turned out! The pattern was  a delight to knit up and I loved watching the "dots" appear.  I made the 3-6 month size since the sweater looked huge for the 6-12 month size.  Now let's hope the sweater fits. Ravelry notes are here


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend?  I'm trying to capture and memorize the best fall foliage by far this past week and weekend.  Glorious displays everywhere I turn.  Truly, this is completely energizing for me and my creativity.  I see color combinations for knitting, the chilly air inspires me to knit more and more, faster and faster.  I've made many 'to knit' lists.  Some for me, some for presents that I have in mind. These are a few of the yarns I bought earlier in the week.  All destined for knitting presents.  I could be a knitting elf for Santa!  Yesterday, I worked diligently on a gift hat that will be finished tonight.  Unless I'm side tracked by something else. My husband and I, along with Frodo had our daily walks.  We saw hawks soaring and we listened to t