

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. I celebrated my birthday this weekend and one of the birthday wishes I wished for growing up was snow.  Sometimes I would get snow and sometimes not.  I had fun thinking about it all throughout November year after year,  wondering if it might happen.  Well guess what?  I woke up to this!  What a delight to have snow :) I've been frantically trying to get all of my knitting done for Thanksgiving when I see my people.  I am nearly there.  I'm down to hours of knitting instead of days.  I am happy!  Oh and I spent this morning wrapping stuff while doing laundry. Today we went to see Rent  the musical in Scranton at the Scranton Cultural Center .  I thoroughly enjoyed the show and recommend it if it's traveling in a town near you.  This was my first time at this theater

Perhaps Maybe

Perhaps maybe, snow will fall this weekend.  Since I was a starry-eyed teen, I've wished for November snow especially on my birthday.  My mother would be beside herself listening to Christmas music coming from my bedroom at the start of Halloween.  She thought that was too early.  I disagreed and played my Johnny Mathis albums as loud as possible while singing along. Perhaps maybe I will finish my super secret knitting.  I'm starting to feel the crafting ennui in the project but I'm ignoring that feeling and pressing along.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I am so very very close!  Once I finish, I can cast on something for myself. Perhaps maybe this photo of Frodo with his wee tongue sticking out is the sweetest ever.  He hates to be photographed.  Camera shy?  You know who else is camera shy?  Those deer that are in my yard, they scamper away every time I see them.  I know and you know, I will get that photo shot, I always do. Perhaps maybe I wil

Currently on the Needles

I only just realized that I have a mere seven days to get done what I want to get done before the Thanksgiving holiday.  My self imposed deadlines are looming.  So I went into high gear knitting for the mitts.  I finished the one in the above photo and started the second pair of mitts.  The second pair is the last pair.  To the right in the basket is my super secret knitting project that I cannot show you.  Sigh. I have a difficult time with let's see if I can hold out for a few more weeks?? I continue to read The Book of Speculation  which started off quite good but now I'm just wondering why all the character's conversations seem forced and unreal.  The plot gets weird and I'm suspending belief to finish.  I have less that 80 pages to go.  Thank goodness. Alexander Hamilton is FANTASTIC.  Each sentence is loaded with information.  This is my first time reading a non fiction historical book.  I must say, I love it!  I wonder, why didn't my hi