
February Wonder

Can you believe that it's February already?  Sometimes it feels like I just celebrated Christmas and my company left to go return to their homes.  Do you like February?  I do!  I like this month so much.  I like witnessing the return of light and hearing the birds, yes the birds singing again in the morning. They think maybe it's Spring.  Birds are positive thinkers in the world. I like the shortness of February, a tiny bridge of time between January and March.  I've been walking with Frodo when the weather permits and while everything is brown, cold, cloudy and gray, the walk feels refreshing and hopeful of time marching on. My mother hated February.   During this month she would declare she had "the winter pissies" and I would chuckle.  She never liked being cold.  She would sit in her rocking chair bundled up in a fluffy robe and fluffy slippers cursing the winter days. More than likely, my extreme enthusiasm for winter and chilliness made her al

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!  I'm reading another book and feel like I'm just whizzing through each one.  That's what happens when you read a long non-fiction book.  Anyways, I received this book as a Christmas present and only just started reading last night.  So I have no opinions. My knitting has been making steady progress.  The socks are slowly showing the stripe and I've tried three times to get the stripe to be straight.  I gave up and decided that a swirl is what it is.  Oh well.  My asana shawl is still at the increasing stage and now that I've got many stitches on the needles, the knitting is soothing and relaxing. Oh and I finished my citron and posted yesterday ! I'm contemplating a sweater cast on....but not sure which one I'll do.  I want it to be a cardigan in fingering weight that is top down construction.  If you have any ideas that fit the criteria, let me know in the comments.  I also have some sport weight wool too. What are you knitting and

Gradient Shawl Complete

I finished my sixth citron shawl over the weekend and have worn this shawl twice.  I might sound weird but this shawl is so "wearable" to me.  I love how light if feels around my neck and of course the way it looks. The original pattern gives instructions for five wedge sections but I go usually to seven or eight wedges based on how much yarn I have.  I loved knitting with the gecko yarn and knew I would add some more yarn to make this shawl bigger. When I blocked the shawl, I only pinned the top of the shawl stretching out the wing span.  I gently fingered out the body of the shawl without pinning so the gathering sections could be maintained. Ravelry notes are here