Knitting News

I'm happy to report that I'm blissfully knitting the first sleeve of my son in law's sweater . I'm in heaven! Wouldn't it be incredible if I finished a sleeve in one week? I know it's doable but will I do it? Stay tuned. My mitts haven't seen much action but I did manage to work a few hours on the second mitt patterning. So lovely to knit and yet I'm torn between knitting and finishing the sweater or knitting and finishing the mitts. What a lovely knitting problem to have, right? In reading, I continue to spend some time with Inspector Gamache in the fourth book of the series by Louise Penny. Also I started Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. What beautiful poetic writing! I feel like highlighting paragraphs. I should get a notebook out and take some notes... What are you crafting these days?