

This weekend contained: -getting ready for Thanksgiving and finishing up the holiday shopping for my extended family. -knitting on a leg warmer and wishing it was the second one and I was done... -switching from the itty bitty circular wooden needles to my tried and true DPNs.... -feeling like I betrayed my loyal metal double pointed needles...I will never ever give you up again. -laundry (even though I have way less, I still have it!) -knitting with friends at a local coffee shop and laughing more than knitting. -forgetting to walk before dinner...we finally got it right on Sunday! -having a very long streak of "good hair days", I'm thinking it is because it is fall and my hair is happy. Joining Amanda at the habit of being

This Moment

Joining Amanda at Soulemama .

Shades of Autumn Challenge: Brown

To me Autumn usually means brown but I was surprised to find evidence of it very close to this week's challenge.  After all of the bright colors from the previous challenges I found brown to be comforting.  Of course, I have loads of brown on my property since I am surrounded by woods.      I would not mind one little bit if fall would linger on.  It is one of my favorite seasons (besides winter).  I enjoy the crisp air and the dark nights.  More time for knitting. Only the oak tress are holding onto their last bit of leaves.  Just like that the colors are finished! I have blogged about this tree stump before and it never stops to fascinate me with all of the fungi that is growing on it.  When we first had to cut the tree down because of severe damage, I thought the stump was an eyesore.  Now....I just think it is such a great example of nature's beauty.

Loose Thoughts

This is the centerpiece on my coffee table.  My mother made the pumpkins so many years ago and I love when September arrives and I display them.  I keep them out until I decorate the house for Christmas.  Yes do you see a tv remote tucked in that basket.  I thought it would be a good place to keep it. The kids will be coming home for Thanksgiving break and we will be celebrating Christmas (!) with my side of the family during the break.  I feel like I have too much to do to prepare and yet when I write my list it really isn't that much to do.  So maybe it is the excitement that has me feeling a little edgy. One of the things I most enjoy about the holiday season is that we have for years spaced out our Christmas gift exchanging.  In October we exchange gifts with my husband's parents.  It is difficult to get into the holiday season in October but because of commercialism the stores have some holiday items out for setting the mood. November is when we exchange for my f

Yarn Along

This week I have been focusing on the legwarmers that I started a couple of weeks ago.  I usually knit with double pointed needles and I decided to try out the itty bitty circular needles for a change.  Especially since there is straight tube knitting.  So far they are okay.  I am not madly in love with them but I do not hate them.  What I like is that I am on circular needles.  What I do not like is that they are wood and I always prefer metal-I think stitches slide around better.  What makes my evaluation confusing is that the yarn I am using  reynolds-wash-day-wool  is very splitty to knit with.  I love this yarn because of its softness and its durability.  Wash Day wool wears like iron!! For reading this week I am still on the same book, The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane  and so far I am liking it a lot.  At the very beginning, on the first page, the author was talking about a character cooking lentils then eating the cooked peas (this stuck in my mind).....I thought peas

Simple Pleasures

Well maybe this isn't really a simple pleasure to most of you, but it is to me.  Over the weekend I was thinking about my two projects left on the needles and how both of them are not for me.  I also know that I have at least three more knitting gifts to make before Christmas if I feel up to it.  So what do I do?  I dream of something for me!  I wanted a super easy cowl that is in worsted weight which would knit up quickly in case I do get motivated to knit for others.   Ahem. The yarn is Ultra Alpaca by Berroco  that I picked up in Pittsburgh around two years ago.  I was going to make flip mittens out of it but I changed my mind.  The pattern that I am following loosely is the Purl Ridge  scarf by Stephen West.  My ravelry page is here .


This weekend contained: -watching the movie Iron Man  and finding out I like superheros! -sharing a dinner with good friends while laughing and talking about our kids and our animals. -enjoying the time change Sunday morning and leisurely getting ready for church. -being a little sad that in a few weeks the after dinner walk with Frodo will have to be before dinner or not at all because of the darkness. -savoring a meal made by my husband-it feels like a vacation for me every time he cooks! -chatting with both kids and looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation. -only having two knitting projects and daydreaming about what should be my next project. -a walk around the property with Frodo, snapping photos of all the fallen leaves and bare trees.  Only our oaks are holding on to their leaves. -just being happy being. Joining Amanda at the habit of being .