Random Reflections
This week I've been so thankful for the bit of snow that greeted me in the morning and fell most of the day, defying the forecaster's predictions. I will ignore the warmer temperatures this weekend and hope for more snow in the weeks to come. I just love looking at the holiday decorations in the evening, it seems so cozy! I've pulled out the Christmas mugs and my tea just taste better because of it! I am one of those people who loves the dark evenings that creep up closer to dinner time. I've missed walking Frodo after dinner and we haven't established a before dinner walk. In time, it will happen. Suddenly Frodo seems to be unpuppylike for most of the day. Yes, he does funny little things but his napping is more frequent. I'm not complaining, just noticing. I am thankful for: cranberry bread warm from the oven, checking off items on my l-o-n-g to do list, advent calendars, twinkling lights, crossword puzzles, secret shopping, and the free adve