
Short Row Love

Another shawl has been completed and yet again, I'm thrilled with the results and can't wait to wear it.  There's something to be said about pairing garter stitch with short row shaping-the perfect combination like peas and carrots, or bread and butter. In my imagination I have another shawl planned in gray and purple.  Soon. The pattern is pendulum shawl and it's well written and fun to knit up.  It's an easy pattern for your very first time of dipping your toes in the water of short row shaping.  I did not block the shawl because I enjoyed the results once it was off the needles.  I'm sure it would be much bigger when blocked. Malabrigo sock yarn is a fantastic yarn for making a shawl, so very soft around your neck and I enjoy the colors!  Just for a bit of reality I've photoed the shawl with my jacket and the pile of papers, notebooks, and books that are continually on my kitchen table.

Casting On with Big Needles

This weekend was super lazy, slow and kind.  Yesterday and today we were in no hurry to do much of anything.  I listened to podcasts and knit on my shawl.  I knit more on my shawl and read at the same time then bound off all those stitches.  Today I buried the threads and took some photos. I attacked the crossword puzzles and sudokus, read the local paper that tends to be more gossip than news-still I can't help but read it.  THE cold front arrived and this morning there was a chill in the air that was welcomed.  Even Frodo lifted his little nose and squinted his eyes to take it all in.  When you squint your eyes, you can smell better. I was successful in talking my husband into making a curry (read that I did not have to cook!) which we just ate, and we have leftovers for another day.  The kitchen is tidied up and I'm going back to my knitting in a bit.  Because of this meal my sore throat is almost gone. Hold onto your hats (or britches) because I've cast on a pr


It will not come as a surprise that I love to be home.  This is the place that I feel most centered.  After our trip last weekend to Pittsburgh, we are settling down into our slow easy days.  After dinner, I quickly do the dishes so we can take a walk with Frodo and enjoy the mild weather.  The scenery is changing quickly and soon the clocks will be set back an hour and it'll be too dark for an after dinner walk. This week has seen a shift in our meals, summer meals are switching to fall comfort meals.  I made eggplant parmesan for the first time.  My husband hasn't stopped singing eggplant praises.  I said that if you dredge any vegetable in bread crumbs and fry it up it would taste good.  He said nope.  Carrots would still taste like carrots (he doesn't like cooked carrots only raw or roasted).  I guess he had a point.  The other under-loved vegetable, turnips, has been chopped and carefully roasted with potatoes, delicious. It seems that the rabbits are hibernatin

Yarn Along

I am savoring every stitch of this shawl !  I've discovered the magic and delight of short row shaping.  It's dead simple, mindless for me and quite fun.  While knitting this shawl I'm already thinking of a purple and gray one.  Who knew garter stitch could be so engaging? I also finished the pair of socks for my son, I was disappointed overall with the amount of yardage in each skein (skimpy!) and had to dig through my sock yarn stash to finish the toes.  I know he will not mind, but I sure did. Little Women  is still my major read and I do enjoy it so, but it's a book that cannot be skimmed.  So I'm slowly reading each evening.  I think I'll start reading an hour or so during the day when I'm awake and alert. Overall, I remember most of the story line, but their are bits and pieces that have skipped my memory, so it's nice to read through again as a seasoned (old) adult.  One attribute I did notice is the foreshadowing of poor Beth..totally misse


Someone said to me yesterday that I'm lucky I have a sister, and you know what?  I am!  Sure, in my youth I was mean to her (very mean).  I teased, I taunted, and even ignored her.  However mean I was to her,  she was willing to play any game I wanted when I needed a playmate. Once I grew up and we both had children of our own our sisterhood turned into friendship.  Our mother died in 1998 and since that time we have been sisters, friends and substitute mothers for each other. We talk daily sometimes multi-daily about the silliest of stuff. My sister is a better cook and a better gardener than me.  She sews amazing things and is generous with her time and talents.  Whenever I'm demanding she still lets me have my way (sometimes).  We love to knit.  She loves animals and has a little zoo in her house: birds, a fish, a guinea pig and two! dogs. I enjoyed our visit together and can't wait until the next visit.  However I hope the next visit has less excitemen


My weekend involved traveling to see my sister and my family.  My husband had a presentation in downtown Pittsburgh on Friday morning so we planned a weekend to mix business with pleasure.  What fun we had.  I was able to spend quality time with my sister relaxing, knitting and talking. The weather was perfect and I wore my jean jacket which looked pretty good. I even wore one of my knit shawlettes with comfort-oh fall, I do love you so! From the weather forecast it appears that we will continue to see cooler temperatures this week. There was apple cake, corn on the cob, brussel sprouts, the best tossed salad ever, homemade mini pizzas, and smores. Besides my sister and brother in law, we visited my aunt and uncle, my dad and step mother AND stopped to see our son for lunch at his school.  The weekend was packed with hellos and goodbyes quickly catching up on snippets of news. Yesterday we arrived home, unpacked, picked up a very wiggly happy dog, took a walk, did some laund

Musings and Wonderings

As far as I can remember, I've loved to walk anywhere.  When I was a girl growing up in Pittsburgh, I would walk with my mother and my sister down sidewalks made of red bricks in herringbone designs trying not to step on a crack and save my mother's back.  Eventually I would be reprimanded for dawdling-sadly my mom didn't know I was saving her back health.  Black patent leather shoes angling into brick outlines made a rhythm of hopping and hoping to land inside the lines. I grew up in the city and I recall one street that had many oak trees and a black cast iron fence edging a grand property.  In the fall my sister and I would walk through the fallen brown crunchy leaves kicking them high up in the air, laughing and giggling.  We also walked to school daily. five or six blocks passing crossing guards in blue and white uniforms. Near the end of fall, my mother would bundle me up in a hat and scarf and once around the bend when she couldn't see me-off would go the ha