

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend consisted of: -moving our son completely into his new apartment outside of the Boston area -shopping at Ikea for the first time and LOVING it. -lots of bending, moving, walking and unpacking boxes -being amazed we fit all of his belongings in the Honda CRV -ordering pizza while moving in -being happy and sad at the same time for my son -picking up a happy Frodo from the kennel, he was extra wiggly happy :) -having a much needed salad for dinner after eating out all weekend long -car knitting!! How was your weekend?


Thank you all for loving the idea of the weekending post on Monday mornings.  I'm thrilled that this will work out for most of you.  My week has been here and there, happy and stressed.  All part of life and for that I'm glad I am breathing and finding tiny pockets of time for me.  My biggest habit that feeds my soul is my early morning alone time.....bliss!  I do a huge mind dump of lists of what need to be done before I forget. I never used to forget and I wonder did I have a fantastic memory or less to do when I was younger.  I'll never know.  Squeeze in some praying and journaling and then  -boom- I'm good to go. As you can see, Frodo has quite the toy collection.  If you've been reading for a few years, you know his favorite toy of all time is the flexible frisbee.  He will run, catch, return and repeat over and over. His energy is endless and so is his joy. Starting next week, I'm returning to my grocery budget.  You know the one for two people?

Currently on the Needles

I'm excited to tell you I've cast on a new project this week!  Of course I'm still working on my shawl and my blanket but I needed something new on the needles to get me through the moving month of my two children.  Yes, the entire whenever I have a tiny sliver of time, I sit and knit and feel all happy deep down inside!  I treated myself to this pattern that I've been admiring since it was released. My reading is the same and I'm quite happy with the story.  Nice and easy and amusing.  There is a bit of a mystery with the plot so that has me wondering what will happen next.  Delightful!! What are you knitting and reading? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. This weekend was: -a scrabble weekend, close game but I won :) -lots of knitting -dinner out on Friday -dinner in Saturday, clearing out the left overs -walking twice daily once again -being in the moment -relaxing and unplugged most of the time Today is church, some laundry and visiting with some friends while knitting. How was your weekend? Announcement :  Starting next weekend I will be posting late Sunday or early Monday morning to maximize my unpluggedness (not a word but it should be!).  I will see how that goes for a bit.  I enjoy posting on Sunday morning but I am loving the thought of a whole weekend away from the computer. 

Finding My Happy Place

daughter's new digs! This week has been a little stressful for me.  I was frazzled and my patience wore thin with simple everyday happenings.  I found myself getting angry with others and myself, not liking how I was answering questions or my worried state of mind. a sign of fall I think we all get like that.  When events are overwhelming and you are just overflowing with many thoughts and feel, well, feel stressed.  So in the spirit of winning the battle of life's challenging moments, here is what I do to find my Happy Place. finding my happy place 1.  I decide to find my happy place.  I make a resolution and they usually start in the morning 2.  I talk a long walk-walking and moving my body releases physical and mental stress 3.  I opted to buy a pattern on Ravelry that I've been thinking about.  That instant purchase gave me joy! 4.  I quit saying "at the end of August, I will do ______" 5.  I spent time alone in my studio balling

Currently on the Needles

I've been sporadically knitting on two projects.  My sock blanket is showing more progress but now that it's almost lap size you cannot see the hours I've put in.  I love this project so!  Unfortunately my shawl has seen maybe four or five rows added this past week due to my life being busy with relocating one adult child. I finished my socks over the weekend and here's the post if your interested! My reading is the same, so far the book is good!  The plot is relaxing and slowly evolving.  I'm excited to read each night and visit with characters I care about. What are you knitting and reading this week? joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Maleficent Socks Complete

Over the weekend while moving our daughter from the old apartment to the new apartment, I finished my socks.  You know, the maleficent socks . Are you a matchy matchy sock knitter?  I am.  I take pride in how close the matching is and this pair I think I'm within a row of identical socks.  This is without counting rows, just using locking stitch marker clips and a measuring tape. I'm keeping this pair for me and I've tucked them away in my woolen sock drawer.  Waiting for those crisp fall days that will be here in three months.