
Noticing September

September has been for me a month of contrasts.  Yes it's still summer but you know keep down that fall is around the corner.  The black walnuts are sprinkled on the roads and I believe that the squirrels sit up in those trees and try to pelt me as I walk by.  Frodo would love to catch a squirrel, I think it's on his bucket list.  By the way, he's feeling much better now.  I babied him, tried to help him up and down on the couch and took it easy.  He appreciated the effort and now is back to running and chasing that favorite frisbee. September is a shift in the light in my house.  I walk by and see the shadows dancing and have to take a photo.  The house has been quiet and clean, instead of piles of books I see empty surfaces.  I've tidied up corners and spaces, thinned out papers, and made new lists for fall of what I'd like to accomplish. September starts as summer and ends with fall.  Each morning I'm greeted with mist, you know the kind that m

Currently on the Needles

I have three projects on the needles this week and each one is a delight to pick up and knit.  First off is the imagine when shawl .  The knitting is easy because of the garter stitch but I have to pay attention to where I am on the pattern so I cannot knit this while watching a program.  I've tried!  Next off is my Hitofude cardigan that I posted about yesterday .  This knit is a tv watching knit so far and even though the construction looks complicated I think there are only little bits that can be challenging.  Last but not least, I'm still plugging along on my sock blanket .  This is a soothing knit and I love to pick it up and put it down-a non stressful knit.  The progress is slower since it's growing in size. I am nearly finished with Eleanor and Park .  Oh the sadness of this story....I tend to put it down when the emotions run high.  I know that the ending is bittersweet.  I highly recommend the book and I know I'll be reading more of her novels. What a

Hitofude Cardigan Progress Week One

So here I am ready to report on my first official week of progress of this fabulous knit.   My Hitofude  is comping along nicely.  I am still on the sleeve section, about half way through.  The stitch pattern is easily memorized and I find that I pick this up to knit while watching a tv show. Care to join in the knitting fun?   Steph and I are knitting along, and prodding each other along to knit and finish this unique design.  When do you start?  whenever!  When do you finish?  Hopefully sooner than later.  Care to share?  post a comment on either my weekly post or Steph's weekly post .  We are having a loosey goosey knit along!! Eep!  I just saw Steph's progress......I need to get knitting!!


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. This weekend was the weekend that began our household of two and I enjoyed the new beginning.  Fall for me is a beginning because of the school year starting.  Just like school children, I have some new notebooks and some new pens to use!  On Saturday, I gathered up all the clothing donation bags that were tucked into many closets and brought them downstairs to one location.  Completely cleaned all nooks of the guest bathroom (kid bathroom).  The pantry had a mini redo on it's lower shelves.   Oh the knitting that I did while not moving "stuff" around.  I worked on all three projects at some point or another.  Talked to the kids, listening to their life adventures and am grateful that I can imagine them in their new towns and apartments. Yesterday, I worried a

What I Like about Him

We are celebrating 27 years of marriage this week.  (YAY) So I'm listing what I like about him: -he laughs at my jokes even if they aren't that funny -whatever I'm worried about he says it will be okay -we talk at the same time about the same stuff -we both have fitness trackers and compare how many steps we have (I'm nearly always behind) -he will ferret out unknown to me yarn shops for day trips and lunches, nearly every time there is also a used vinyl record shop as well for him -he likes most of my crazy ideas -he knows the difference between knitting and crocheting -we love long aimless car rides -I am directionally challenged and he knows where we are where ever we are -he makes the best pizza crust from scratch and delicious curry dinners -I still cannot read his writing but come close to the message when needed -he can calculate in his head, I'm a finger counting girl so it comes in handy after 10. Have a lovely weekend :)

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been great fun this past week.  As some of you may know, I started the hitofude cardigan and have joined Steph in a knitalong of sorts.  Care to join us?  We would love to have you! Still knitting my shawl , smiling when I get to do my short row shaping.  Lovely.  I'm nearing another section at the end.  I can easily see myself knitting this shawl again. I started a new book, a young adult novel, Eleanor and Park  which I've seen on fellow blogger's posts.  I only started but I'm happily wrapped in a love story. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Hitofude Cardigan

Well, I cast on a sweater , sort of a shrug, that is all the rage on ravelry.  I love when peer pressure is all for creativity and goodness, I saw Steph's lacy beginnings and knew I was going to start one.  Steph over at woolythyme  and I are having a loosey goosey knit along and I'm going to post my progress of my sweater each Tuesday.  Care to join us?  You can report your progress at her blog or my blog or both in the comments section.  We have no rules that I know of and I think this will be fun :) I dug deep in my yarn stash and remembered this lovely yarn I bought while up in Portland Maine a few years ago.  I bought the discontinued yarn not knowing what its future held.  Well the future is today and the yarn will become a Hitofude !