
Imagine When Shawl Complete

I finished this shawl a few weeks ago and was delayed sharing the results but here it is.  I enjoyed the construction of the shawl, short row shaping and asymmetry were paired together to create an almost triangular shawl. I wish that the shawl was bigger, much bigger.  I usually do not block garter stitch shawls aggressively because I love the garter stitch squish factor.  However, this shawl needed to be blocked for the length needed to wrap around comfortably.  Once blocked I was pleased with the shawl :) I wonder if a thicker yarn would have been a better choice?  If I do make this shawl again, that is what I would chose-a heavy fingering weight.  I loved how the pattern was written, and the construction was fun to watch unfold.


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. This weekend I traveled to London, Ontario to visit my husband's parents.  The weekend was jammed packed with activities.  We managed to spend a bit of time in the downtown area.  While walking I saw this fabulous artwork that begged to be photoed. And that is the ONLY photo of the weekend :)  I find wall art on this grand scale amazing.  I cannot even begin to imagine the planning, the scaffolding and the amount of paint that goes into these creations. My weekend contained: -seeing the trees in PA, NY and ONT in the beginning leaf color changes -hours of knitting, car knitting and talking knitting. -seeing my breath while taking a walk because the air was chilly -missing my dog every time I saw someone walking their dog -getting through the border going up and coming ho

Flickering By

Today feels like a lifetime away since I went back home to be with my family for my uncle's funeral.  While there, summer was surging on, flowers were abundant and traces of fall were only evident from the pumpkins on my sister's patio table.  Was it only two weeks ago? Moments ebb and flow, we gather, we mourn, we gather, we celebrate.  Oh life is wonderful with the ups and downs on a roller coaster.  Seasons seems to flicker by faster and faster.  I stop and capture the moment with my camera, trying to memorize that second-what I see and hear.  The hum of the cars down below my hill, the leaves changing colors before me.  Squirrels are scampering and acting foolish in their darting about, nut gathering becomes a frantic activity involving death defying road crossings. I want October to last forever.  I want the leaves, the chill and the coziness of the month to drag on and on.  I know it won't.  I will one day wake up, the trees will be barren, the crickets a

Currently on my Needles

Yesterday I posted about my hitofude cardigan , I think I'm going through cardigan knitting withdrawal...As I type this post, I'm wearing it and smiling with sheer joy!  All knitting should be this joyful.  Anyways, I started a Christmas project!  I'm knitting a grey loop cowl , but following the pattern quite loosely.  The yarn is dream in color smooshy  that has been in my stash for a while.  This is perfect tv knitting. My reading is the same, The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Overall I do like the novel but as you know I read at night and sometimes I'm tired and  -poof- I'm asleep.  I think I need to read this during the day so I get engrossed and stay awake. What are you reading and knitting this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Hitofude Cardigan Complete

I wish I could squeal and ooze on and on about this sweater.  I LOVE it.  To be honest I was skeptical about even liking it.  I'm  not a shrug wearer and I tend to knit traditional cardigans.  This sweater is the exception.  Maybe I created the perfect storm pairing a wool/silk yarn blend with this pattern.  Whatever the reason, I love the drape, the swing and the fit. Just so you know I am getting relaxed and comfortable with each of you.  I did not edit out my neck wrinkles, but I wanted to.  I am just thinking it's me and who I am. If you are on the fence about whether or not you want to knit this, I say do it.  Trust me, you will love the results. I will be knitting another one of these but with longer sleeves.  Not just yet, but I am thinking about the idea and in a darker yarn color.  Ravelry notes are here


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend was nice  -I saw the heron (again) and managed to snap a really nice shot with the iphone.   -on our walk on Saturday the fex ex driver stopped to give Frodo a treat because he loves dogs.  I love knowing and seeing that most people in the world are good -made chicken noodle soup that was mostly vegetables -had a lovely visit with my daughter and her boyfriend -my daughter and her boyfriend became engaged over the weekend (YAY!!) -bits and pieces of wedding talk mixed with ordinary talk, how sweet and so much fun -there was church, lots and lots of laundry Today I am faced with a long list of to dos, a messy house that needs to be put back together again. How was your weekend?

A Kind Week

As quickly as life becomes overwhelming busy and full, a lull appears and days are slow, easy and kind to me.  This week has been kind.  Each day was mindful and purposeful.  The weather has been mild and reflects early autumn, chilly mornings followed by a sun that tries to heat the day.  Our daily walks after dinner as slowly coming to an end as the sun sets earlier each day. The salads that I craved in March are giving way to warm piping hot soups. Menu plans are altered to reflect the seasonal shift.  I have an acorn squash in the frig with my name on it and I've already stir fried some sliced brussel sprouts in olive oil-yum! Since August was the month of relocating kids, my yoga routine slipped away from me.  I am reinstating that little bit of time for myself and my joints and muscles thank me.  Surprisingly, I haven't lost much of the flexibility I gained.  Again, a kind week. If you were to snoop on my iphone you would find many many photos of the leaves turni

Currently on the Needles

I know, I'm late to the reading party of this book but hey, better late than never.  I started this book a few days ago and immediately fell in love with Gilbert's writing style and the rhythm of the plot as the introduction of characters unfolded.  Have you read it?  I'm glad I started. My knitting has been almost the same, the striping of my fair isle hat is coming along nicely.  The lack of significant progress, I'll blame on the busy week for my lack of time to knit.  I am nearing the finish line of my Hitofude , fingers crossed I have a finished post next week.  I also finished my imagine when shawl and had every intention to write up a post BUT the shawl ran small so I am in the middle of blocking it to gain some growth.  I'm a bit grumbly about the blocking of garter stitch, I tend not to block that stitch pattern so as to retain the squish factor. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Hitofude Cardigan Progress Week Four

I am still knitting the skirt portion of the hitofude cardigan .  I think I just might be finished by next Tuesday if I continue to have the time I think I have to work on it. As you know I'm loving the knit and yes, the lace pattern is quite easy to memorize! Oh to have the skill of knitting while sleeping and driving and cooking :)


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. This weekend was: -busy-a bit of traveling and seeing family, some I haven't seen for over fifteen years -eating in the car while trying not to drip food on dress clothes, quite the challenge but the challenge was met -once again spending time with my sister, an outing, a knitting bag purchase (vera bradley tote) -convincing my husband that I did indeed need another bag.... -quick stop at my dad's and capturing the sunflowers sunshiney smiles :) -returning to list making and plotting out the week -digging deeply into the freezer for some chili to eat on Football Sunday -wishing I was watching ANYTHING but football How was your weekend?  I'd love to read all about it.

Summer Days Surrendering

This fern is growing in a spot that it shouldn't be but no one has pulled the plant and so it grows.  I walk by the fern daily and mark the new shoots when they appear.  No matter what, roots are established and more green appears. I tend to not be a philosophical sort of person, I leave that kind of thinking for my husband.  When we first met, we were eating french fries on a date and he asked "do you wonder why we are here?" and I responded seriously "Do you mean here, in a Wendy's restaurant?".....Yeah, I'm that kind of deep thinker.  However, this week has been a reflective week for me celebrating life and its seasons, of people who have left us and of new beginnings. And how life goes on, no matter what.  I've walked my wooded neighborhood, enjoyed the blue heron who returned once more after a couple of weeks of absence.  Kim did a beautiful blog post about blue herons .  I wonder what my blue heron is messaging to me? The mums in th