
Gift Knitting Continues

As you read this post, hum the song "Sleigh Ride" by Johnny Mathis, because that is the song that is repeating in my head since I woke up.  I have no snow (sniff) but the spirit of gift giving is alive in my heart. The  cowl , is the last of it's series...I think. I might make one more but it will be for me and not someone else. I fancy casting on a pair of fingerless mitts for me before a cowl. I finish my gift knitting and then start another gift, just because I can and I'm having fun with my quick pick me up knitting projects.  These mitts .....Oh they were such a fast knit!  Now I'll be upstairs wrapping and humming.


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Did you have a good weekend?  I sure did.  This was a do nothing weekend, meaning nothing was on the schedule.  These do nothing weekends seem to be fewer and fewer.  I'm not complaining because we see our kids or friends so I'm quite happy with the busyness.  But, boy oh boy, a do nothing weekend is quite decadent these days. So here is how I did nothing: -dinner out on Friday with my husband along with some....ahem....donuts for dessert -finishing up Mad Men tv show on Netflix -Saturday was spent all morning exploring our options on what to do on our do nothing day -started a pair of mitts for another gift, I swear this is the last present :) -we opted to shop locally for a few hours -so far today I've:  been to Mass, cleaned the house and did some laundry, talke

Daily Practice

Early this morning after journaling and prayers, I once again returned to a simple beginner yoga practice.  I moved through one pose after another feeling the release of tension and enjoying how the stretches made me feel.  Why then do I skip this essential piece of my health puzzle?  For a while I was practicing every morning and now I'm once a week! In the quiet darkness of my morning as I bent forward stretching stretching stretching as far as I could, I vowed once again to make this morning ritual a daily practice.  I'm writing yoga on my to do list each day.  I don't skip knitting, or eating, reading or walking. I don't skip brushing my teeth, taking a shower or cleaning the house.  See it's simple.  I know that in two weeks this yoga practice will once again be part of my daily morning routine.  I want that and I need that.   Have you noticed how fall is completely here?  Yesterday on our walk, Frodo and I noticed the chill in the air that was mor

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been fast and furious.  Well, sort of, I guess.  I finished the cowl in the photo last night and need to soak and block it today before its photo shoot.  I might make one more cowl or I might not.  I would love to be knitting some other kind of project but I also love the feeling of being almost done with Christmas knitting. I finished the hat and posted yesterday . Just a quick visit to the post office and another to do errand will be checked off. My reading is the same, The Mathematician's Shiva , and I'm nearing the end of the novel.  Overall I've enjoyed the book.  As I said last week, the math "stuff" goes over my head.  When my son reads this book over one of his breaks, I'm sure we'll be having some good discussions.  I picked up a copy of Jane Austen Knits magazine.  Oh how I love the designs, lace projects and articles!! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Doing Good

Last week, Anke requested hats for her friend who is facing health challenges.  Within the hour, I dug through my yarn stash and cast on a hat.  This month is a gratitude month, a month of thanksgiving.  I can easily get lost on tiny worries, big worries, serious worries, and silly worries.  However, as I knit this hat, each and every stitch, I wove in good thoughts and  healthy thoughts for my unknown recipient. She is receiving a hat, I have received so much more. Peace, contentment, doing what I love and sharing that with others. Tomorrow I'll be posting my hat to Anke and sending lots of good wishes for her friend. Ravelry notes here


Can you believe that my Christmas cactus has bloomed once again?  Makes me think I might have a green thumb.  I wonder what I am doing so my other house plants would be as happy at this one. Onto the weekend! Friday found me walking the dog in sunshine on my out the door then through sleet making my way back home.  We were wet and tired but found the outing fun.  Poor Frodo, he is a drenched mop that close to the ground.  Friday night was pizza with our daughter and her fiance joining later on.  We shared homemade pumpkin pie for dessert, so so delicious. Saturday was a slow start, relaxing and knitting.  After lunch, we headed out to a bookstore where I browsed magazines.  I steered clear of novels for now, I have so many that need to be read.  We ate dinner out and then headed home.  Since the time change, evenings feel so dark and late.  I'll think "it's time to go to bed" only to realize it's seven o'clock.  However, I'm happy to report that I

The Essentials

I've been waking up at 4:30 a.m. each morning because of the time change that I haven't quite adjusted to as of yet.  I've been taking advantage of my early risings with journaling and a bit of knitting.  For over a year, my go to color for notebooks has been red, I see no change in sight. Yesterday was rainy, drippy and all over wet.  Frodo and I walked about the yard missing the crunch of the oak leaves.  The scent of fall was in the air - earthy and sweet.  Funny how I look forward to fall, leaves dropping and then I wait for some snowflakes. This week has been good to me.  I've slowed down and focused on the essentials for contentment and peace.  I started a few new projects to knit, rewrote my Christmas list and to do lists.  A big pile of books are waiting for me to start reading as soon as I finish my current read.  Daily walks (unless there is rain), a bit of yoga and some vegetable eating overload. I thought I'd share some links that I loved this w