

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog.   The weekend before Christmas has been a filled one. Friday night, we traveled to our daughter's town to her swearing in ceremony to the County Bar Association and then we were off to dinner that included some french fries (yum).  Once home, I snuggled under my scrap sock blanket and added a few more rows. Yesterday, I waited and waited while our son traveled by train for the first time.  Nothing ever changes.  First day of kindergarten, first day of high school, first day of leaving them at a university and now using trains for the first time, I never change with the worrying.  Anyways, he arrived at the station where my husband picked him up.  I stayed with Frodo and knit some more. This morning, I wrote the menu for the week and the grocery list.  I made some gingersnap c

The Happy List

Are you ready?  Almost ready?  I've finished the wrapping and only have some baking to do.  The problem with baking goodies is the temptation to eat the baked goodies. My Happy list: -two cups of hot tea instead of one a day, feels decadent -Christmas tree lights, houses decorated for the season -the Advent calendar my mom made when we were first married -nearing the shortest day of the year this weekend -daily walks in mild late fall weather as we approach winter -the hoot of the owl in the woods in the morning -the deer that greet me every day -quiet mornings full of promise -the rare avocado that is good inside -finishing off projects making room for some new knits -the kindness of others -the anticipation of my children home for the holidays -a clean kitchen at the end of the day what would make your happy list? Have a great weekend :)

Currently on the Needles

I have finished knitting that second sock up there in my photo.  I only have to weave in the ends today and snap a few photos.  Done!  I spent most of last night knitting from the gusset to the toes.  I do love that part of the sock and now I need to rest my hands and switch to relaxed knitting, for some reason I tend to knit aggressively on sock projects.  Switching to wooden needles has helped immensely but I guess six-seven hours in one go is a bit much for the hand and arm muscles... I'm about half way through the short story collection by Alice Munro, much darker than I thought it would be based on the title of the book.  However, as with all stories, some are good, some are weird and some are in between.  Also in the spirit of Christmas, I've decided to re read A Christmas Story the best story of redemption and human kindness. How about you?  What are you reading and knitting? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Scrap Sock Yarn Blanket Update

I thought I'd share with the you the progress of the eternal blanket .  The progress seems to be slower and slower as I round another corner, but I love sitting under the now lap blanket and adding a few rows here and there each evening.  I daydream about when I will be done, how big will it be.  Have I run out of sock yarn.....nope, not yet. As a knitter I think we all have odds and ends tucked here and there.  I remember starting this blanket in the middle and thinking there is no way this will be a pretty blanket.  Oh how wrong.  I love the way this looks!  Each yarn I pick up to add has a memory-a pair of socks for me, my husband, or one of the kids.  Maybe a shawl, or a scarf.  I remember each and every one! To my delight, Andi from My Sister's Knitter blog sent me some of her odds and ends to add to the cause.  As you know, presents in the mail are simply the best.  I love the array of colors and the sweet little stitch marker along with some tea.  Thank you Andi!


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog.   My weekend started with a dinner out on Friday night with my husband.  We have a few restaurants that we cycle through and one has changed the menu.  Oh.  I'm not sure that I like the new menu but I definitely sounded like a non adventurous person as I lamented what used to be.  Keep in mind I eat the same breakfast every day (cheerios) and if I eat something else it's because I'm traveling.  We also finished most (really all) of the shopping.....I think. I found Frodo a new bed for his Christmas present and every day he goes into the studio to sniff around.  He knows something in there is for him.  The power of a dog's nose! Saturday was a lazy day until the afternoon when we prepared a meal for our friends who came over for a visit.  I taught her how to knit in


The predicted snow never arrived however, an unpredicted snowfall arrived 24 hours later.  I think waking up to a snow surprise will never get tiring for me.  Plans were altered and changed, and a few hours were found that could be used wisely.  A few minutes more of reading and knitting. Are you ready for the holidays?  How is the planning going for you?  A preliminary check of my shopping list says I'm done shopping for the kids and only Frodo and my husband remain.  Frodo is the easier one of course.  I'm looking for a new washable bed for him (Frodo) at local stores.  I have yet been struck with the perfect gift for my husband. Since the children were little, I start the shopping in October and paced myself.  I dislike feeling rushed or pressured and above all, I avoid crowds!  December for me is a time of relaxing and baking, wrapping gifts, and getting together with friends.  The tradition to slow down is firmly planted and one that will not alter much as life chan

Currently on the Needles

This week I've mainly focused on my husband's socks .  I'm still on the first one but today I'll be shaping the toe and casting on the second sock.  When I'm not knitting on the socks, I'm knitting on the cowl enjoying the color progressions. I finished my book from two weeks ago, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris.  Some of the essays were laugh out loud, some were amusing and some I didn't find so funny.  I'm glad I read the book though.  This week, I'm delving into some short stories by Alice Munro- Too Much Happiness .  So far so good, I love her writing style and her main characters. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams