
Lemons and Lists

I'm posting early today because tomorrow is kind of hectic and I wanted to not forget.  Forgetting seems to be something I do frequently as I age.  Luckily most of the stuff I forget can be remedied. This week I've welcomed spring weather and iced tea brewing season.  My husband loves lots and lots of lemon in his iced tea and I love to look at lots and lots of lemons in a bowl.  A match made in heaven. Lists.  We all have them, goals we would like to achieve, grocery items, errands to run, tasks to complete.  I think nowadays we have lists daily that need our attention.  My mother kept a notebook in her purse with her lists.  I thought she was kind of silly.  Can't you remember that???  Oh my, now I look at my lists and realize, um, no I cannot remember that. She kept a list of my children's clothing sizes, what they wanted for Christmas, pattern ideas, errands, and fabric measurements.  She wrote menu ideas, recipes, and tasks.  Later when she was ill, she wr

Currently on the Needles

Even though I'm knee deep in a Hitofude cardigan knit, I cast on a new project.  I'm making a blanket for my nephew's baby and went into deep yarn stash to find this worsted weight cotton.  I love this simple garter stitch rib pattern and how effortlessly the blanket is knitting up. I am reading short stories by Flannery O'Connor.  I bought this book last year while on vacation and it's been patiently waiting for me to start reading.  I guess I'd like to read one short story a week as a personal reading goal.  I want to savor the writing.  On my kindle I'm reading Persuasion by Jane Austen and haven't made as much progress as I'd like. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Cardigan Progress and the Mug

Good morning all, how are you?  I'm doing great even though it's been days since the sun beamed its rays for more than a minute or two.  I never thought that sunshine was so important to me, but apparently it is.  I'm craving it. Lucky for me, I have my knitting and boy have I been knitting a lot.  I finished all the repeats for the sleeves of my Hitofude cardigan and today will be the undoing of my provisional cast on.  This is the crocheted provisional cast on that I looked up in my 211 ways to cast on and bind off book because the last sweater I just used scrap yarn and improvised.  I do not recommend improvising, it will be your downfall. If something is worth doing right, well, do it the right way, right??  Where was my smarter self when I needed her? And because many of you asked to see my new favorite tea mug, here she is!  (I think tea mugs would be a she).  I have had many mugs of tea and so far I'm tickled.  I love the wide base so I can p