

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. Golly!  Every time I sit at this computer there is some technical difficulty...I'm starting to think the computer is possessed.  However, I am happy to report that the last time I had computer woes, I was able to fix it (dust in the fan, updates that didn't update...).  Today, I turned everything off and on and magically that worked. Anyways, my weekend was slow and restive.  I flipped through some magazines, read for a few hours, then later on Saturday, my husband and I went to a community yard sale.  On Saturday night, I cast on a shawl then ripped it all out. I didn't like the way the yarn was behaving. We had a nice dinner with friends on Friday night and a dinner out yesterday.  If you are reading correctly, you've noticed that I didn't cook all weekend

A Study in Daisies

Good morning!  A few days ago we were walking our walk, the one that is done daily when the weather is cooperating and I discovered the daisy blossoms.  This flower, that is unassuming and simple, is one of my favorites.  I love how daisies will bloom wherever there is sun, their petals facing the bright sky saying "hello" to the world.  They don't care if they bloom on the roadside or in a garden. I tackled the front room carpet and won the stain battle.  I have crossed off another task on my list of things to do.  The bonus from the work lead to a clean carpet and a fresh smelling house.  Also, I can safely say the ceiling is finally finally finished.  The mud and paint are permanently put away and my house is dust free from more than a day at a time. It's the simple pleasures. Now if only our bushes that fed the deer through the winter would green up and look fresh!  They still look brown from a distance but up close there is green....I'm hoping that

Currently on the Needles

For some strange reason my computer is slow this morning.  I hope that it's not foreshadowing so kind of imminent doom.... Anyways, good morning!  My knitting is down to two projects (I'm not counting that scrap sock is idle right now).  I'm knitting the infinity cowl  and enjoying the process thoroughly.  This is what I was working on while riding in the car to and from Boston.  As you can see, I didn't make much progress, I was too busy looking out the window or talking. My other project is the hitofude cardigan .  I am on the skirt increasing and I believe in a few weeks I'll have another sweater.  I do love this pattern and if you are adventurous you should try it. My reading continues to be Jane Austen's Persuasion.   I wasn't sure if I read this novel or not as a teen but I'm glad to report that I did not read this one.  I'm enjoying the story and the characters.  I tend to like the dramatic ones :)  I have started the thi