
Rainy days, Packing and Saying Goodbye

I finished this cowl!  But I haven't had time to do it's dedicated photo shoot, maybe early next week.  I've been knitting frantically every moment I've had free.   Yesterday the rain arrived and with the thunderstorms came my frizzy, swirly, wonky hair.  Oh I don't know why I battle it so.  We all want what we cannot have.  So with each hour passing I tried to avoid looking in the mirror. My husband and I drove to the newlyweds apartment to load up the "pod".  I believe my husband loved eking out every square inch of that space.  We took lots of photos, of a pod loaded up.  There is beauty in precision. When we started loading up, half of us was doubtful (my husband and me) one of us was positive (my son-in-law) and my daughter had no opinion one way or the other.  I loved the moment when we all thought, 'that's it, nothing more will fit, what should be sacrificed and left behind' to 'oh!  let's see if those chairs do fit and

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been fast and furious and yet I'm still knitting that cowl !  I am quite close to being finished and probably would have finished yesterday if life didn't get in the way.  Sometimes I would love to knit all the time and let the errands and tasks of life sit in the back seat. So while I had that cowl staring me down saying "finish me, finish me".  I cast on those socks I've been meaning to start.  I loved grabbing my dpns and going at it.  The yarn is a an oldie but a goodie from the deepest part of my stash.  I love the red stripe the best.  I'm just knitting a plain old sock pattern that is memorized in my head for my foot size.  Super easy knitting :) My plague book, Year of Wonders, is really good.  Who knew that a disease spreading throughout a small village would captivate my attention.  I love reading about how they treated that mysterious disease back then and how the people reacted with the threat of illness.  It's a good r


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. How was your weekend?  Good?  I do hope so! I had a relaxing weekend that started with dinner out for pizza and some of that frozen wedding cake once we came home.  There is still tons more but we will chip away here and there when we feel like cake. Saturday was lovely.  I read, knit and listened to a few podcasts.  I felt completely relaxed.  Although summer is roaring "look at me, I'm still here" I am seeing signs of fall whispering "I'm next up".  I'm glad, I grow weary of the heat and humidity. This morning we went to Mass.  I spoke with both kids and did all the laundry.  Dinner was left over pizza (I did not cook!).  I'm watching some Dr. Who and knitting away.  Later we will take Frodo out for a little walk. How was your wee

Walks, Blue Skies and a Heron

Can you see him?  This heron has been visiting for a few years now.  I do love when he is visiting.  Three mornings in a row in the early morning hours a family of wild turkeys have walked through our backyard.  No photos yet, but believe me, I've been ready to snap now.  I counted NINE, I love living where I live. This week has been glorious in terms of low humidity and blue skies.  I'm bottling up my love of the weather because the heat and humidity are returning tomorrow.  So I'll be a little grumpy during those days.  I know deep down inside that summer is nearly over and signs of fall are inching there way into my world. On our walks, red and yellow leaves have dropped and my mighty oak has been sprinkling acorns everywhere.  All too soon those crazy squirrels will be dashing back and forth across the road to get those nuts risking their lives in the process. This week has been nice and quiet, just the way I like it.  Have a lovely weekend!

Currently on the Needles

As you can see, I'm nearly to the half way point on my striped cowl .  I'm alternating between this project and my featherweight cardigan .  Before the wedding I craved simple stockinette and now that the wedding is over I am eagerly wishing for some challenging knits.  But first I need to finish these two projects... My reading is the same as last week-- A Year of Wonders, so far so good.  I am wanting to research all about the plague but first I need to finish the book.  My reading time has only been at night and you know that I fall asleep within the first page.  Today, I will dedicate some daytime reading. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments    in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend started off with the newlyweds returning from their honeymoon in Iceland, they had a great time and I loved seeing their photos of what they did.  Above is a photo of the presents they brought back for us.  I cannot wait until Christmas to place my puffin on the tree!   Yesterday started off the "staycation", we went Eagle's Mere  for their Arts and Crafts fair.  The day was picture perfect, not too cold or hot.  We shared a portobello mushroom wrap and some fries.  Sharing makes the calories half the amount and twice the fun. Today was Mass and then some quality knitting time with my friends.  Once I hit publish, I'm going for a walk and then Netflix has announced to me personally that the new Doctor Who season is available.....swoon! How w

Phlox Madness

Another week and I'm feeling fine.  Seriously, I've discovered a love for summer because the humidity has been low and the temperatures pleasant.  We've resumed our daily or twice daily walks with Frodo.  In the late afternoon, I sit outside with a book for an hour immersing myself in a short story plot while listening to nature. Our phlox has gone wild!  Purple flowers are everywhere I turn and with them arrive butterflies and bumblebees.  Sometimes I see a stray honeybee which is rare these days.  Yesterday, I noticed a red leaf and a yellow leaf laying on the ground, signs of fall.  I get a little giddy about that. My oak tree is getting closer to dropping its acorns.  I walk to get the newspaper looking for signs and hoping each day is THE day.  We've had a week of returning to a schedule and sinking into a rhythm of togetherness.  There have been times I've quickly research a quick getaway vacation only to close the window delaying such crazy thoug