

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. mornings starting right with writing and reflection Did you have a wonderful weekend?  I hope so!  I find the weekends hold such slow moving minutes, the more I age the faster time flies by but weekends, well they go a little bit slower.  Yesterday I was computer/internet free (I know!  I'm shocked..) and I enjoyed lots of podcasts and knitting.  I also escaped to Mars via  The Martian  novel that I'm reading. I've decided to quit judging books based on genre.  Well I hope I quit because this book is a compelling read and I'm not into science or surviving on Mars.  If I stretch my brain, I'm an apocalypse catastrophe believer, especially an epidemic... good good stuff, totally believable.  I wonder how many books I pass by because I'm "not into them"

Fractured Attention

My attention has felt fractured these days.  Whenever I have family visiting, the rhythm changes and my focus is shifted to lots of talking, being together and well enjoying the moment.  I like that a lot.  However, my daily life is chopped up into little bits.  I don't know how I got anything done when the kids were small and I was a full time mom.. but I did. Now I feel proud when the dishes are done and the kitchen is closed for the day, I will not tell you about the ever growing pile of my son's books on the kitchen island that I'm gracefully ignoring.  Usually that pile is on the coffee table.  Don't worry the coffee table has a bit of a mess going on and I'm gracefully turning a blind eye to that as well. Okay, back to fractured attention...I wonder about the time and attention I put into this blog and on instagram.  I love both but when life is busy, I cut back on reading blogs and writing posts.  My standards are minimized and 'thin'.  This

Currently on the Needles

As you can see, I'm making fantastic progress on my socks .  I do love the contrasting heel and toe, I might do that on the next few pairs of socks.  The pattern is quick and easy, I did change a few things, mainly doing 2 x 2 ribbing, my preferred ribbing of choice.  One sock done and one to go! I'm plugging away on The Martian  and overall I'm enjoying the story.  The main character is sarcastic and quite funny (I'm sarcastic and quite funny).  However, I admit that my science education is rusty and lacking.  There is a LOT of chemistry talk and gosh, my eyes glass over and I kind of drool in my own stupidity.  However, I guess I'm learning something (?). I wish, really wish, that I paid attention to Mrs. Lucas in Chemistry I.  But I didn't and I relied on my chemistry partner, Eileen who was the valedictorian of our class, to do all the labs for us.  I cheated myself in learning basic science stuff (see! high tech science talk from me) and The Martia