
Currently on the Needles

I love when I'm sitting and then the light shifts just so, sending beams across my coffee table, hinting ever so slightly of fall.  I know, I know, it's full summer but still, that moment in time - beautiful! My knitting is new!  I started Antarktis shawl  because one too many of you have showcased this pattern in your posts.  I just had to knit it.  So far, I am loving the knitting and the zen feeling that garter stitch gifts me. The yarn is hedgehog fibres twist sock and all I can say is it's wonderful!! I started a young adult novel that I bought at a second hand book store while in Ottawa visiting my in laws.  I bought the book solely on the cover art, which is a slippery slope on judging a novel.  It's kind of a weird story but easy reading.  I'm half way through the book and it's good. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Oh my, if you were here right now,  I'd lament over and over again about the technical difficulties I'm having today in writing and publishing this post.  I'm weary!  My photo editor (paint shop pro) is not working and later I have to uninstall and reinstall the program.   So I guess this iphone photo will have to do instead of the lovely photos I took today with the big camera.  You'll have to use your imagination today in this post. This weekend, we went car shopping since we are lending/giving one of our two cars to our son.  Now I bet you can guess how exciting I find this....not.  I hate to car shop, it's ultra boring and I weary of the sales pitches.   My husband and I make a great team and we shopped all day Friday and made a decision yesterday (

New Planner and New Goals

Supposedly the heat wave is over today, I will not believe it until I feel and witness it.  Call me Doubting Thomas!  My week has been overall a good one.  I've been reflecting most of the time of how I spend my time.  I want to be more purposeful in my days. I love when August rolls around because it's a new school year showing up.  I am married to a professor so our years start in the fall in a way.  My daily planner does as well.  Later today, I'll be transferring dates and important events into my new one. I remember my first day of high school and how I'd plan out my school days, making a color coded schedule, that is how I feel this week!  A new school year and I'm not a student, so no pressure studying for tests.  I love back to school themed store sales, insisting every one needs a new notebook, pencils, pens, and highlighters. After knitting one pair of socks and having a second pair currently on the needles, I recovered from my "too many s