

Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. I'm still in boycotting summer mode these days...I have such a LONG way until Autumn.  One day I wore jeans just to make a statement.  Thankfully I have air conditioning. How are you?  How was your weekend? My weekend was pretty good.  I knit quite a lot and finished a book (yay!).  I also made one s'more over the stove for my dessert.  S'mores are the perfect dessert - crunchy, gooey, and full of chocolate. Who needs a campfire?! And who needs outside? I didn't walk much because the hot weather bothers my arthritis.  I did quick little mini walks around the yard and pretended it was a power walk.  Frodo likes the little walks and if he could talk he would say "mom, I don't like summer much either". Oh and I made some serious progress on my sock

Goal Setting

I'm lucky to have phone calls from my kids almost daily.  Our son is in Boston (soon to move back to PA at Penn State University) and our daughter is in Santa Barbara a few years as her husband completes a post doc.  So many transitions! During one conversation with my daughter, she mentioned some personal goals she created for herself.  Well you know me all too well, I had to think and create some goals.  The usual ones are:  eat healthy, walk daily, do yoga daily and pray daily.  Simple, doable and quite refreshing for the mind. While contemplating detailed goals, I've compiled an addendum list to add to the goals I achieve each and every day. So here it goes: -use the good camera daily.  (seriously dead simple) -create ONE new recipe once a week -plan out my stay-cation with day trips, and fun events like going to the local amusement park to walk around, visit new to us restaurants, a LYS crawl (!) etc.... -learn to identify the trees I admire on a walk and

Currently on the Needles

I love when I'm sitting and then the light shifts just so, sending beams across my coffee table, hinting ever so slightly of fall.  I know, I know, it's full summer but still, that moment in time - beautiful! My knitting is new!  I started Antarktis shawl  because one too many of you have showcased this pattern in your posts.  I just had to knit it.  So far, I am loving the knitting and the zen feeling that garter stitch gifts me. The yarn is hedgehog fibres twist sock and all I can say is it's wonderful!! I started a young adult novel that I bought at a second hand book store while in Ottawa visiting my in laws.  I bought the book solely on the cover art, which is a slippery slope on judging a novel.  It's kind of a weird story but easy reading.  I'm half way through the book and it's good. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. Oh my, if you were here right now,  I'd lament over and over again about the technical difficulties I'm having today in writing and publishing this post.  I'm weary!  My photo editor (paint shop pro) is not working and later I have to uninstall and reinstall the program.   So I guess this iphone photo will have to do instead of the lovely photos I took today with the big camera.  You'll have to use your imagination today in this post. This weekend, we went car shopping since we are lending/giving one of our two cars to our son.  Now I bet you can guess how exciting I find this....not.  I hate to car shop, it's ultra boring and I weary of the sales pitches.   My husband and I make a great team and we shopped all day Friday and made a decision yesterday (

New Planner and New Goals

Supposedly the heat wave is over today, I will not believe it until I feel and witness it.  Call me Doubting Thomas!  My week has been overall a good one.  I've been reflecting most of the time of how I spend my time.  I want to be more purposeful in my days. I love when August rolls around because it's a new school year showing up.  I am married to a professor so our years start in the fall in a way.  My daily planner does as well.  Later today, I'll be transferring dates and important events into my new one. I remember my first day of high school and how I'd plan out my school days, making a color coded schedule, that is how I feel this week!  A new school year and I'm not a student, so no pressure studying for tests.  I love back to school themed store sales, insisting every one needs a new notebook, pencils, pens, and highlighters. After knitting one pair of socks and having a second pair currently on the needles, I recovered from my "too many s

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been the same this week.  I'm making steady progress on my Dandelion Daze Shawl , after ripping out four + rows over the weekend.  Silly me, I set the project down mid row and well, stitches fell off and I was unable to rescue and knit them back up.  Learned my lesson!! My socks are coming along.  I love that they are from Santa Barbara, so I think of my visit when we went there in May.  I am trying an afterthought heel instead of a heel flap.  Stay tuned for my review, I hope I like it!! I finished my Hermione Socks as well. I started The Dinner  by Herman Koch last week and it's pleasantly entertaining.  Now I will warn you that the narrator has a sarcastic attitude which could be off putting to some.  However, my nephew insisted I would like this book and so far he is correct (I guess I ooze sarcasm...).  I love that there have been a few plot twists that I didn't expect.  I hate when I guess where the story is going!! What are you knitting and

Hermione's Socks Complete

Have you knit Hermione's Everyday socks ?  I think everyone has but me, well until now!!  I had a delightful time knitting these up.  I loved the simple texture pattern and the sense of accomplishment as I finished each step. The heel flap is a new to me experience and I loved the slipped stitches along with the garter edge.  However, I like my own sock recipe better, the fit is perfection and these pair of socks are sort of loosey goosey around my skinny ankles and feet (I have skinny ankles and narrow feet, not the normal foot at all).  So I think it's me and not the pattern :) I had a burning desire to do a contrast heel and toe.  I love the way the sock looks, I feel stylish! Ravelry notes are here


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. My weekend was quite nice, especially yesterday where nothing happened.  Just lots of reading and lots of knitting.  Later in the evening having friends over for a fun dinner.  We talked and caught up with family news.  I served grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob and a spinach salad (yum). Today was church (of course) and this afternoon we attended a University graduate student function where my husband was the speaker and a delicious luncheon was served.   right before showtime! How was your weekend?  I didn't mention the super hot weather we are having because I am boycotting it.  I've decided to quit summer and each night I go to sleep I'm one day closer to fall.

A Full Life

did you say "walk"  As soon as my son left I ran around the house furiously cleaning and tidying all the spaces.  I do this every single time - I find visual clutter quite noisy and unsettling.  Well I'll be honest, I find auditory noise unsettling as well.  Putting the house back to my "normal" is bliss. We had a bit of stress this week in the house....there was a large fly inside the house and well my brave schnauzer is afraid of flies inside the house.  Poor poor Frodo, he hid upstairs in his cage for forty eight hours.  If he was outside, he was hiding under a bush refusing to come inside the house. awesome big salad with a puzzle! Yesterday my main goal was to kill the fly.  Oh the things we do for our children and pets.  I remember when my daughter would scream if she spotted a spider.  The whole family was involved in finding and killing a wee little arachnid.  Why was it that the spider loved to appear at bedtime? I digress...

Currently on the Needles

I asked many of you on Instagram what to knit next with this skein , overwhelmingly you said "SOCKS"....I am so very glad I listened to you, because this skein is delightful and I'm loving the colors popping as I knit and knit.   Sock knitting bliss at it's finest.  I decided to go back to my personal recipe for socks, because I love not reading directions and following my own in my little old head.  Also the yarn is so busy I feel a pattern would be lost. I am still reading The Martian,  I was hoping to finish the novel yesterday (which I am enjoying immensely) but I was sidetracked by the internet and a silly search for a quick getaway before the summer ends.  I didn't find a getaway (yet) but a staycation is looking very lucrative for us!! By the way, there is a giveaway here on my blog for a free pattern by Andrea once it is released. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Linto Cowl Pattern Complete and a Giveaway

My Linto Cowl has been finished for a week or so but I had my son here for a few weeks and so this post was delayed.  I loved this pattern immensely!   Andrea  wrote a clear pattern that showcases almost any kind of fingering weight yarn. If you have some experience knitting and are a beginner knitter looking to stretch your knitting skills this pattern would be ideal.  The directions are clear and concise.  The details Andrea addressed are perfect for dipping your toes into a textured pattern. So there is a giveaway of ONE pattern to a person who comments on this post.  The rules are: -you must have an email or ravelry name so Andrea can contact you. -you must have a ravelry account - the pattern will be gifted through ravelry on ravelry -the contest runs from today until next Tuesday - July 26th, noon eastern time. -the winner will be selected by a random number generator by me -I will announce the winner here on this post on July 26 and notify Andrea. -if for so