
Currently on the Needles

I'm on my last (or second to last) secret knitting project !  I feel like I'm making such great progress in my self imposed goals.  I'm getting giddy with seeing an end to knitting for others. My reading is so so so slow.  I am still on the same two books.  I am loving Hamilton but it's a dense read.  Commonwealth surprisingly got interesting last night.  I can't wait to read more tonight :) Oh I finished all the fair isles here . What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Three Fair Isle Hats

I did it!  I achieved one of my many knitting present goals and these hats are such a delight to look at all together in a row.  I see the light at the end of my gift knitting tunnel.  It's bright and wonderful! All of the yarn is from knit picks palette and was left over from a fair isle project that was many years ago.  I still have yarn left over :)  Maybe some mitts will be  in my far far knitting future. I really don't have a favorite hat, I like them all.  Each one I was wondering if I would like the color combinations and while I was knitting them, I fell in love. I made some minor alterations.  I did all of the decreasing after the fourth chart and I chose a different color for the ribbing to give it more of a major color theme.  I like it that way. Ravelry notes: Red fair isle hat blue fair isle hat green fair isle hat post about the green fair isle hat


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. So excited that we have SNOW.  Just saying..  It's wonderful and quiet outside.  I saw six deer while driving up my road today and it was nice to see that they survived hunting season (phew).  I love them so.  My weekend was super relaxing yesterday and self imposed busy today! Yesterday we had a slow weekend, reading and knitting for me.  Working on my menu plan for when my family is here for many days in a row.  I've changed Christmas Dinner twice now.  I'm a fickle about how much time I want to be in the kitchen (uh, zero minutes so I can knit).  So each meal is getting easier and I think more. this hat is DONE Today was cleaning our main bathroom.  I must say one of the positives of being older is that the bathroom always looks clean when you don't have y

Managing the Holiday Stress

Yesterday I braved the chilly winds and walked around with my camera and of course Frodo.  The air smelled and felt like impending snow but nary a flake fell.  So sad.  However, I'm sure soon there will be snow.  Can you believe we are nearly a third of the way through December?  Oh, I wish I could slow down the days. I find during the holiday preparation, the stresses can get the best of me.  So I thought I'd share how I manage these stresses.  Keep in mind, this is how I've done my holidays for years and I'm sure you have a system that works for you. Tip One: Start early and prioritize exactly what you want done.  I am lucky because I exchange gifts with my husband's family in October and my side of the family in November.  This forces me to shop and wrap and be ready. This significantly lightens my stress of gift buying in December. When the kids were little, I started shopping in October, each weekend focusing on a family group or one of my kids

Currently on the Needles

Well well, I am on my THIRD fair isle hat out of the three I am currently knitting.  The red one is finished and only needs a soaking and blocking spa day.  The blue one is the last one and I am making great strides since I took the above photo while the daylight was out and about. My reading is a little slow.  While I'm enjoying this book, I keep falling asleep at night.  So I should read during the day but the knitting is taking precedent to meet my goals.  I hope after this weekend I'll have more time to read. Oh and I'm still reading Alexander Hamilton and love my history lessons when I do set aside 30 minutes a day. Did you see my finished trees ? What are you knitting and reading this week? joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Through the Trees

I am happy to share with you one of my super secret knitting projects.  These little trees were a ton of fun to make and I might have made 33 of them...yep.  I was in a tree knitting frenzy! My husband and I have an odd habit of saving the used corks of wine bottles for no reason at all.  Then every now and then I throw them out.  Over the summer I decided to amass as many as possible.  I remember seeing this pattern and knew that I'd like to use the corks. I decided to use worsted weight wool and loved how they look chunky!!  So adorable in person. Ravelry notes are here


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. We've been doing lots of Christmas shopping over the weekend.  I'm slowly making progress and hope to be done by next weekend (a personal goal).  That gives me a few weeks to leisurely wrap presents and not be in the crowds of last minute shoppers. After last weekend being busy with traveling and seeing family, I enjoyed the slow pace of this weekend.  We dawdled about, taking our time yesterday.  We continue to attend Saturday night Mass and I continue to miss my Sunday pew neighbors. I'm still digesting that we are in the second week of Advent...! Earlier today, we attended a banquet and got all dressed up.  I'm back into my jeans and cardigan wearing outfits and I must say, I'm quite comfy. The tea is waiting for me, I am gonna watch some sh

Preparing the Way

After a wonderful family visit last week where I was happily with all my children, I'm back once again at home (home sweet home) and I have been vigilantly working through my tasks and errands.  Monday and Tuesday were a blur of playing catch up after being out of town. Also, after ignoring sinus issues for more than two weeks, I contacted my doctor and started some antibiotics.  I must say, I love that I truly believe I can kick a virus with a compromised immune system.  That proves that I am a "glass half full" kind of gal. My house is decorated and today I have a few photos to share.  I love the season of Advent and the preparing my home for company and preparing my heart for reflections of peace and love during this season. I bought the above flicker candles during my holiday visit and they are fantastic.  I love that they are battery operated and yet look real to me.  Every night, I am filled with joy just looking at them, you should buy some! (mine are f

Currently on the Needles

As you know, I'm knee deep in holiday knitting.  I have yet to knit:  two fair isle hats, a wurm hat, and a cowl by Christmas day (and maybe a pair of socks...).  Yet yesterday, I set aside some time to start a lace weight shawl for myself.  Many of you might think this is thwarting my self imposed goals, not so!  I consider this a self care knitting project.  I was quite joyful during my self indulgent hour of knitting. The amethyst shawl is the Asana Shawl and I am thrilled to be facing miles and miles of garter stitch.  Who knew I'd be such a fan of this squishy stitch pattern. I am still reading Alexander Hamilton and enjoying it immensely.  I'll be reading this for quite some time and I'm in this for the long haul.  I started Commonwealth a few days ago.  I have no opinions as of yet but so far I'm enjoying the plot. Oh hey!  I'm having a giveaway  hurry up to enter by Thursday midnight! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining

Lottie's Bonnet Giveaway

I had the pleasure of being a test knitter for Lisa from Happy in Dole Valley .  I finished this sweet little bonnet about two weeks ago and have waited for the pattern to go live!  Well guess what? Not only is the pattern ready but I am hosting a giveaway for the pattern.  Lisa is such a generous giving spirit.  If you are looking for a quick knit for a little someone, this pattern is for you. To enter your must: Leave a comment on this project page with your ravelry name by midnight Thursday, December 1. I will choose a winner with a random number generator and announce the winner on a blog post on Friday December 2. Good luck!!


Weekends are for memory making,  relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.   If you would like, please share your weekend moments  in the comment section with a link to your blog. I'm exhausted.  Not only did I see my side of the family over the past few days but I celebrated Thanksgiving and exchanged Christmas gifts with them, attended a gingerbread house making party, went shopping with my favorite sister ever (not to mention my only sister). my sister and me!  The whole trip was lots and lots of good food and family.  Oh yeah, my daughter and son in law were there as well.  So much busyness that one on one time was limited.  However, they are coming during the Christmas break for a week.  There will be plenty of time for that. The California Gal and me :)  I had such a fun time out with my sister.  We shopped and then had a great lunch out during the Black Friday madness.  Luckily we shop in craft stores, so the madness is less. gingerbrea