
The Holiday Preparations

I had every intention of walking about outside and snapping some photos, but we are in the deep freeze.  Just the thought of choosing to be outside in ten degree weather with the winds whipping around had me chilled.  So I walked around the house instead and snapped some photos. Are you ready for the holidays?  I guess I'm almost ready.  I've been procrastinating on the baking something fierce.  My reasoning is that if I wait then I won't have to freeze them.  I love my excuse.   Today my son arrives (yay!) and so we begin phase one of the holiday visitors. Phase two begins when my daughter and son in law arrive December 27th (for a week!).  The days will be busy and my house will be crazy and messy in some ways.  I am determined to soak in all the goodness.  Each year I get better and ignoring the messy tables.   Phase three is when my sister, brother in law and nephew arrive on December 30th.  I am super excited!! Everyday when I prepare dinner, I play Ch

Currently on the Needles

I'm on my last (or second to last) secret knitting project !  I feel like I'm making such great progress in my self imposed goals.  I'm getting giddy with seeing an end to knitting for others. My reading is so so so slow.  I am still on the same two books.  I am loving Hamilton but it's a dense read.  Commonwealth surprisingly got interesting last night.  I can't wait to read more tonight :) Oh I finished all the fair isles here . What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Three Fair Isle Hats

I did it!  I achieved one of my many knitting present goals and these hats are such a delight to look at all together in a row.  I see the light at the end of my gift knitting tunnel.  It's bright and wonderful! All of the yarn is from knit picks palette and was left over from a fair isle project that was many years ago.  I still have yarn left over :)  Maybe some mitts will be  in my far far knitting future. I really don't have a favorite hat, I like them all.  Each one I was wondering if I would like the color combinations and while I was knitting them, I fell in love. I made some minor alterations.  I did all of the decreasing after the fourth chart and I chose a different color for the ribbing to give it more of a major color theme.  I like it that way. Ravelry notes: Red fair isle hat blue fair isle hat green fair isle hat post about the green fair isle hat