
Knitting News

I've been feverishly knitting the hitchhiker shawl trying to finish it.  I have 40 teeth and Im squeaking my way to 41.  Ah, the thrill of wondering how much yarn I have left.  I thought I had a partial skein of this yarn in my stash but I was mistaken.  So this lonely skein has to do all the work. The three color cowl is at the exciting contrasting color part.  I doubt I will have enough green yarn so like I said previously, I'll be fudging this pattern about to get the three colors in.  I'm considering this a scrappy three color cowl with my own creative license. Today I wound up two lovely lace weight skeins of wool.  I haven't decided exactly what I will be knitting but I do know that the project will be purple. What are you working on this week?


I finished reading the novel, Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng and it was good.  She touched upon some difficult topics with elegance.  I miss the characters and felt sad when the book was over.  That's a sign of great story. Ah well, onto some new books.  I've read all of the Agatha Christie books back when I was pregnant with my daughter and in a new to me town with nary a friend.  It was just me and Agatha getting me through those lonely days.  I'm never lonely when I'm with a book. Anyways my daughter is 29 years old and I'm pretty sure I will not remember any of the stories. I spent time painting each afternoon, squelching the negative thoughts as best as I could.  Oh I swear I am thinking 'well this is a hot mess' each and every single time.  But then I flip through my book and see the tiny progress and that makes me happy. You know I wasn't an expert knitter on day one!  There are many many many hours, days, weeks, years and yes,

Lacestar Review

I'm excited to share with you a new ebook that has been recently published by knotions magazine titled Lacestar written by Elizabeth Felgate. This ebook is filled with useful information regarding lace knitting which is perfect for beginning or early intermediate knitters who are dipping their toes (or knitting needles) into lace knitting and want to understand some theory as to what is happening when you manipulate the stitches to create lace. Lacestar  covers many topics including:  placing a lifeline, making yarn overs, increasing and decreasing, the best cast ons and bind offs and making nupps as well as many other topics.  I found the section about fixing mistakes quite useful. Throughout the Lacestar ebook, there are links to tutorials as well as to additional resources to broaden your library.  Each section is supported with a written explanation about along with many photographs to understand the topics covered. There are nine exercises that progress the knitte

My Very Best

This past week I've been grateful for the sunny days when the rainy days overwhelm me.  I find myself walking into the gym wondering why I'm a little grumpy.  Oh, there's no sun, that is why.  I'm usually not affected by sunless skies or at least I wasn't aware of my reaction.  This year because of record rainfall, I'm noticing.  This endless rain does water all the new bushes and plants my husband has planted.  He is finished cutting down the bushes around the house and now I'm in the habit of stopping at Lowe's to check their clearance section (half off the lowest price runs intermittently...).  Nearly all of our plantings are from the clearance section.  Overwatered outside plants can be loved back to life, as long as they are not indoor plants that I'm taking care of - indoor plants meet their doom from my diligent watering love. I've visited the gym four times this week stretching the strength of my body.  I'm exhausted but in

Knitting News

The knitting time has been gradually increasing a little bit each day, which is perfect for the beginnings of my summer break.  I've been working on two projects this past week.  The cowl out of leftover yarns is coming along nicely.  While I doubted the color combination initially, I'm totally in love with the colors together now.  Sometimes I have to knit it to see it.  Even though this is an easy knitting pattern, I've managed to mess up the eyelet row.  I boldly thought each time that I could knit and read while executing the eyelets.  Oh the untruths that I believe in.. The hitchhiker is coming along.  This is a fun relaxing knit that I know i will knit again and again.  I can see what all the fuss is about! What are you creating this week?


Ah, the first weekend of my summer break.  I felt relaxed and did all the things that bring me joy.  I wore shorts yesterday and today and the weather was perfect with low humidity and sunny skies.  I did some knitting and some painting each afternoon. Oh, I read a book --- during the daytime!  That felt decadent. I'm still knitting for limited hours but my hands feel fine.  So I think the worse is behind me.  I had a solid week of aches and pains that would pop up in one joint for 4-6 hours then disappear and pop up elsewhere.  It was weird and annoying.  However, how blessed I am that it comes and goes! We went to Saturday night Mass and stopped at the local bakery on the way home.  We skipped the pizza run because we were determined to eat all the leftovers from the week of cooking when our son was here.  Today a friend came over to knit, but we talked more than knitted by the pool.  It felt like vacation sitting outside with a gentle breeze. How was y

Love to Learn

Today is the official start of my summer break!  Oh my goodness, I've been romanticizing about this day since mid February and through the end of the terrible twos and the beginning of a temper tantrum.  Wahoo!  It's all downhill from here on out. How are you?  Thank you for your well wishes with my RA mini flare.  I'm doing pretty good overall and keep hoping that the day will come when I am not thinking about a body part. I missed the gym for a one and half weeks and discovered two things: 1. I need someone to tell me what to do (personal trainer) because  left on my own I do nothing 2. Going to a climate controlled gym is wonderful and much better than the humidity or heat of summer which annoys my joints My son left today and I cleaned some of the house and it feels like it's almost back to the way it was prior to his arrival.  Holly will be thrilled he has left because she tolerates his presence.  I've announced that I am NOT cooking for many days