
Rainy Days and Planners

  This week before the daily rainy days, we were walking our usual daily route. Most of the leaves have fallen but there are some trees that are resisting, mainly the catalpa trees. Maybe we are on our third rainy day, I've lost count. Rainy dreary days are perfect for knitting endlessly. My new planner arrived on Monday afternoon as well as a new fountain pen and new ink. I've been setting it up so that I start in November. This planner is replacing two to four notebooks or loose pages. I am focusing on daily tasks, menu planning, exercising, budgeting and my schedule. Migrating information from one location to another has been fun. Nothing motivates me more than a new system. I'll keep you updated with my progress. The fountain pen is a TWSBI Eco pen  and my new ink is 54th Massachusetts Noodler's ink  which is a blue/black ink - I love it. (I purchased through JetPens this is not an affiliate link) I continue to use my creativity planner as well. That holds my knit...

Ash Cardigan

  I finished my sister's featherweight cardigan on Friday but then had to redo the cast off edge of the neckline on Sunday after waiting for it to dry from the first blocking. I believe I did the cast off edge over a two day period and when I picked it up on the second day I guess I just cast off with tight stitches.  No amount of blocking could fix that. I'm pleased with the way the cardigan turned out and I hope my sister will be as well. This is her requested Christmas present - to finish her sweater and I succeeded. Ravelry Notes


  My coffee table is organized chaos, isn't it beautiful? I had a really nice weekend, did you? I visited with my sister and aunt, made cookies, talk a lot. My mom would always say that getting together and talking was 'free talking' because back then the phone calls were toll charges. Cell phones have definitely improved my quality of life. On our daily walks I've notice that the leaves and past peak, I'm feeling bittersweet about it. I tried to appreciate the fall colors every day and yet I feel like I didn't appreciate them enough. I'll miss those glorious colors. I am looking forward to winter and hunkering down in my cosy house, knitting away. On Sunday I did all those pesky household chores most of the day so that I could sit and knit on that baby blanket which might be done today! Let's hope so - I need to dig though my yarn stash to now find some washable wool for a cardigan. How was your wekend?

Fantastic Day

Miracles of miracles, my photos uploaded in the order I wanted, does this foreshadow a fantastic day? I believe so. How are you? How is your October going? We have been enjoying the colors and the change of seasons. We have walked nearly every day and now I'm just waiting for this pesky warm up to disappear so we can go back to chilly days and romantic dreams of wearing wool. After many days of sleepless nights, I slept so nicely last night. I would love every night to be like that but I will be grateful for last night.  I ordered another planner that should be coming next week. This planner will hold my appointments, budgeting and boring mundane tasks that come with life. My current planner that I bought is more of a creative tracking planner. I list daily gratitudes, do a bit of art journaling and keep track of my knitting and art habits. Of course, along with a new planner is a new fountain pen, and along with a new fountain pen is new ink. It's a slippery slope my friends. ...

Knitting News

  This photo, my friends, is a photo of me approaching the end of knitting this black sweater. My sister started this featherweight cardigan for herself and did the body and one inch of the ribbing. She asked me to finish the sweater for her since it's been in her basket for a few years. I have romantic visions of finishing this project tonight while watching TV, if not tonight, then tomorrow night.   Once this sweater is off the needles I'll be returning to marathon knitting my nephew's baby-to-be blanket . I cannot wait to have a semi-empty knitting bag to fill up with new projects. What are you working on this week?


  This weekend was perfect.  We did daily walks in our neighborhood and the fall foliage is at its peak, I love it. Along with fall are fall allergies which I am not a fan of but there is always a price for happiness.  A frost would be nice, don't you think? I did a lot of reading and finished a memoir, Hunger , by Roxane Gay. It was sad and heartbreaking but a compelling read. I will definitely read more of her essays and books. I worked feverishly on my sister's black (black!!!) sweater. Golly, I wish I had the eyesight of a 20 year old. However, I finished the second sleeve and after all the pesky pick up stitches around the band that I hope will be completed sometime today, I will be sailing into easy 2 x 2 ribbing. How was your weekend?

Happy List

  Good morning! How has your week been? Overall my week has been a good week. I've been thoroughly enjoying watching the leaves change color around my neighborhood. The oak trees are starting to do their leaf dump, in the next week or so the oak trees will be finished. Autumn goes much too quickly for me! All of the holiday plans in the next coming months are completely undone and I keep trying to think of ways to gather without gathering. Can a fire pit keep you warm outside for socializing in late fall early winter? I don't know. Also if it's raining sleeting or snowing that makes it a little nuts to be outside. If you have any suggestions let me know! always a sunrise photo neighborhood sign I saw my kidney doctor yesterday and she said 'you are too healthy to be in my clinic'. So I'm discharged!  That was quite exciting. I was so upset when I was referred to her back in February, but now I will miss her, she is a kind, patient and caring doctor. I'm in t...