

  This weekend they predicted 3-6 inches of snow, was nearly a foot of snow. My husband dragged out the snow blower and once again cleared the driveway. Oh my, my backyard looks beautiful but all of us in this house including Frodo are looking forward to spring. My weekend included: knitting - reading - eating all the leftovers in the fridge - pattern searching - birdwatching - laundry - cross stitching - phone talking - list making. How was your weekend?

Wild Swings

After some ridiculously warm weather last weekend where it felt like summertime had arrived, the wild swings of Mother Nature are now taunting us with winter weather once again. We had about three inches of snow the other day, unpredicted I might add. The snow was beautiful. Tomorrow they are forecasting 3-6 inches of snow (trying to be more accurate in the guessing). No matter what, the birds continue to sing and the daffodils continue to grow. You and I both know it will melt quickly. Besides the weather swinging wildly, my knitting mojo has ramped up to normal production. Oh how wonderful it is to be knitting and enjoying my knitting. There is nothing like it in the world. I'm on the hunt for a baby sweater pattern and will probably use an old printed pattern that my mom used for when my kids were babies. I just have to locate the pattern! I finished reading, The Girl from the Train by Irma Joubert and it was really good. I wasn't expecting to be so engaged in the plot so th

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing? I'm doing just fine. After a few days (weeks) of feeling blah I am happy to report that yesterday I felt like knitting and any little aches and pains in my wrists were minimal. I saw my RA doctor last week and now am decreasing a medicine I have been on since 1997 while continuing the new medicine I started three months ago that will be fully working in another three months. I am excited for this change. Yesterday I blissfully worked on the gift cowl which is from leftovers from this cowl I made for me. I love working on this, simplicity is where my brain wants to be. I finished these socks for my husband just in time to give them for a birthday present. Originally I wanted the socks to be a birthday present but I was waylaid in my knitting!  Not only is my knitting rhythm back, I am also thinking of new projects to start, which to me is a sign of complete healing. What are you working on this week?


  Well now, our weekend was fantastic!  We met sweet baby Blaise and celebrated his Baptism with family and friends. It was a busy weekend but full of love and goodness. Today is playing catchup after a swift busy 48 hours. I did not knit or read. I did however cuddle and hold a sweet bundle of joy :)


This week we celebrated my husband's birthday by going to the Van Gogh Immersion Exhibit. We loved the experience but it was very short compared to what we thought the length would be (expectations can be brutal). Also to celebrate, we stopped at the local bakery for a treat and on the way home we picked up pizza and wings. We had a lovely time and we both were happy to be doing something cultural in Pittsburgh, one of the benefits of moving so close to the city. How have you been?  Winter keeps trying to be a big show-off but spring is edging her way in. The birds are singing, the daffodils are sprouting. We are warming up a little bit (but not today, brr). I love winter but I'm excited for spring time and some lighter clothe wearing. Even Frodo walks with a jaunt in his step when he doesn't wear his doggy coat. I am fully recovered from the stomach bug, for some reason fatigue was a huge factor for a week. Yesterday on my walk I felt like I had the energy to walk.  Can yo

Knitting News

I'm chucking over my post title 'knitting news' when there is barely any news at all. Since I was ill most of last week, I managed maybe to knit a row or two each day if that. Each day my fatigue is less and my energy improves. I'm hopeful I can finish these socks for my husband by the weekend.  The first photo is a gift cowl from the generous left overs of my first cowl . I'm pretty sure I have enough yarn but we'll see as I progress. I know I can rejigger the pattern if need be to accommodate the left over yardage. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was really nice. Each day that comes and goes I feel more like myself. Thanks for all the well wishes on feeling better. Nothing like a virus bug to make you appreciate feeling as your regular self. This weekend was snow, then melting snow, then crazy winds. I managed to do a walk both on Saturday and Sunday. While winter keeps showing itself with snow dustings, the birds are singing away heralding in SPRING. Yesterday was the weekly chores which tired me out a bit. I love the result of a clean house so it was worth the physical exertion. My knitting continues to be minimal and I'm hoping now that I feel better I can start ramping up my knitting progress. How was your weekend?