
Knitting News

  Good morning!  The sun was shining yesterday and hopefully today it will make an appearance as we reach summer-like temperatures. The seasonal allergies are crazy and I'm doing my best to ignore them. My knitting has been minimal but I have been knitting since returning home. First up is the the baby blanket for our granddaughter-to-be in a lovely soft pink cotton yarn from deep stash. I'm thrilled to be using stash instead of going out to buy yarn! (but I will be buying yarn eventually, lol) The next project that I am thoroughly enjoying is this sweet little cowl . This is a color that I do not wear and I made it a point to add it to my wardrobe. So pretty! The last project is a pair of socks for my husband. I am on the second sock and well, I am barely giving it any attention this past week but now that I am home and caught up with all the chores I was behind in, I can once again add some rows. What are you working on this week?

Weekends and the Week

  Hello! How are you? I've missed visiting your spaces and hope to catch up with you all during the week.  My it's been such a long time since I wrote here. Before I get into what I've been up to this past week and weekend, I want to let you know that my dad went home on Saturday!! He will continue to receive therapies at home and he is so happy to be sleeping in his own bed (just like me!). Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers, they mean a lot to me. Anyways, last Sunday we drove to Indiana to visit our son, daughter-in-law and grandson and to help out with childcare for the week. Their babysitter was taking a vacation. What a delight! We spent so much time with him. Sadly, he had another ear infection but was quickly put on medication and improved. In their neighborhood they have a local park that we walked every single day. We bundled up our grandson and off we went. He loves to eat bagels and blueberries and goldfish. When I laughed, he would laugh. He is a hap

Baby Time

  How was your weekend? Mine was great! My dad was transferred to a rehab facility, we are excited he will be getting stronger to get back to being home. I hope he likes his new space, I know he is thrilled to not have a roomie. This week I am knee deep with a grandchild! I am enjoying being in the moment. I also am trying my best not to get his suspected cold (maybe it's allergies!). We are doing lots of walks and exploring parks.  I started a cowl for myself as well and am knitting it exclusively .... for now. I love the purple color! I've knit this pattern three other times but I only have two in my possession. I must have given the third one away. Whenever I like a pattern I tend to knit it over and over again. It's comfort knitting at its finest.  There's a chance I will not be blogging much as we enjoy family time, but I will try my best. Thanks for all the prayers, well-wishes and concerns for my dad. 


  I cannot get enough of the daffodils this spring season. They are beautiful and cheerful especially during a rainy day. Yesterday was dreary and drippy but the pops of yellow in the backyard were delightful to behold. In the mornings I'm confused on what to wear! Is it winter like or spring like. I change outfits because I'm too cold or too hot.  How are you? My dad is close to being transferred to a rehab facility, he is more than ready to get out of the hospital and so are we. Maybe it will happen today? I'm not sure how fast the process is but it's going to happen sooner than later. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes, we appreciate them immensely! My week has been visiting him on most days and doing some intermittent knitting when I have some down time. I'm ready for the weekend.

Seashell Shawl

  Last week I finished this lovely shawl that was in my knitting bag for almost a whole year. Yikes! As I suspected the magic is in the blocking. I love the simple design of a ribbing that slowly widens as well as the shawl looking like a seashell. A clever design. I just might knit this pattern again but I would go up a needle size or maybe two needle sizes. Knitting on size 3 needles made the shawl take forever!  Ravelry notes


  How was your weekend? My weekend was relaxing overall. First of all, I tried really hard to ignore the wintry cold air blast as much as possible. It was bitterly cold and windy - Frodo and I don't like that kind of weather at all but I do not want to complain about it. Today is the first day of Spring and let's hope spring temperatures arrive soon. I found pockets of time to read and to knit at home even though I am still driving down to the hospital to visit dad who is now in a regular room. My family and I are hoping he can go to a rehab facility soon.  I continue to enjoy knitting my top down sweater . How was your weekend?


  Yesterday my dad was transferred out of ICU (22 days!) into a regular room in the hospital, we are overjoyed! Of course he has a ways to go in his recovery and we hope within a week he will be discharged to a rehab place that is closer to his home which will help out my step mom's commute to the city. Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers. Today is a rainy day and while I'm not a fan of overcast days, I do enjoy the forced stillness wet weather gives me. Instead of walking I will be catching up on household tasks.  You know I will be knitting! I am enjoying my sweater currently on my needles.  I'm going to catch up on some reading and journaling as well. Art journaling specifically.  I haven't been creating art for over three weeks and I'm feeling the urge to once again get my supplies out and sketch.  I forgot to share with you the cross stitch picture I finished a while ago. I'm very pleased with how it turned out but I will be shying away from cross