
This was the 'bestest' weekend yet.  I'm breaking grammar rules just because I can.  Yesterday we had brilliant sunshine and a nice enough day to sit outside.  Since sunny days seem to be scant this spring season, I'm bottling up all the memories of the days that defy rain.

Saturday I sat and read half of a book and finished it.  Reading a book all day made Saturday feel like Saturday.  My daughter and I are reading Middlemarch together so I needed to tidy up my current reading list to make room for an 880 page book.

I'm also reading a memoir, A River in Darkness, about a man who escapes North Korea.

Today is my catch up day on the computer and visit all of you who visit me who have a blog!!

How was your weekend?

PS:  Frodo's groomer has opened an online shop and I've added the link to my sidebar.  If you have a lovely canine pet, she sells the best toys and treats to be found!!


  1. Our Saturday was cold and blustery! But yesterday - GORGEOUS! And blue, blue skies. We took a walk along the canal (with Colin & Mailing and her fmaily!!). Fletch and I are reading "All the Little Live Things" by Wallace Stegner (a favorite author).

  2. My weekend was quite nice and I'm glad yours was, too. You took some beautiful photos to store memories of what a brilliant, sunny day is like! (Good thing since today is cold and rainy - again.)

  3. Our weekend was fantastic also. Our church held confessions on Saturday and we went. Then on Sunday we watched Mass on TV. Our parish distributed communion after the televised Mass to those who watched the TV broadcast. They also handed out roses to all mothers. They set it up so social distancing was respected and the priest and deacons wore masks for our protection. Then we spent the afternoon with our local son and his family. It was one of the best weekend since the virus came to town.

  4. Glad you had a good weekend. Ours was nice too. We've finally got a bit of our freedom back, so we went to the beach twice ;-)

  5. Yay for Saturday Reads! (And, Happy Monday my friend!)

  6. I love photos, into the sun!!!!!!! Did you know, that you can usually find Faeries, in them??????????

    Seeeee! That little green dot, in the middle, just at the bottom of your fence?

    That my Dear, is a Faerie!!!!!!


    Gentle hugs,

  7. Oh...I love that pink I am seeing on your needles.

  8. Hello - I have been wanting to read that book about the man who escaped from North Korea so I will look forward to hearing what you think. I love the color of your latest knitting project. Glad you had a nice weekend. Enjoy the week ahead. See you again soon!

  9. It's so nice to get some sunshine when we are mostly confined to the house. Looks like you are getting some new plants popping up, too. Your knitting is lovely.

  10. I'm so glad you had a good weekend! Mine was better than I expected (Sara was originally going to be here this week following a business trip to Wisconsin ... that'll teach me to INK things on my paper calendar!) and I headed into this week with renewed energy. Hopefully it will hold :-)

  11. I have been reading a lot more than usual lately. I don't know that I would like to read such a long book though. Your knitting is really pretty. Stay healthy.

  12. A glimmer of pink, looking beautiful. So glad you had a good weekend and the weather behaved too. We saw a flurry of snow on Sunday, strange times with strange weather. Take care.

  13. We had a quiet weekend although we talked to both kids and I received gifts from both of them. My son and his wife sent a gorgeous bouquet of all different shades of purples. I do love fresh flowers. We had a little sunshine on cool days. I love love the blush sweater.

  14. Sounds like a good weekend ! I love miss Holly there on the couch :) One of my cat also has a white 'circle' around her mouth, just like Holly, and to me it makes her look like she's permanently surprised somehow... hihi

  15. Last weekend seems so far away now and now it's Fri-yay! I can watch some TV and finish off The Good Witch series.

  16. It sure has rained a lot this spring! With our crazy Virginia weather, Saturday was almost too hot to sit outside (85 degrees) but today it's cold and I'm inside bundled up in a blanket. It's actually a great day to try to catch up on blog reading and knitting.


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