

Good morning! This is a quick post since the weekend is still going strong in this house. Our Saturday and Sunday were ordinary days, just the way I love them. We have great air quality once again and along with that has been the rainy season. I tried to take a walk in between the rain drops and was quite successful.

I did some loose watercolor pictures in my practice sketchbook of cardinals. It was fun to do the same thing over and over again. The paper isn't the greatest which made the paintings more challenging. 

My husband and I went to my sister and brother in law house for dinner and games on Saturday night. I believe we laughed the hardest ever. It was painfully good.

Sunday morning we attended Mass then I did the laundry and other chores in the house. Over all it was a lovely weekend. I picked up a sweater that I started a while ago and still wonder if I have enough yarn and how will I go about solving my dilemma if I have one.

How was yours?


  1. It was a weekend full... and one that is still going! Steve has today and tomorrow off!

  2. What a lovely weekend. Laughing till it's painful can be so good!! I'm off today and tomorrow so am enjoying some quiet time.

  3. That does sound like a lovely weekend, especially with clearer air. Keep the weekend going for a couple more days!

  4. It's so fun to laugh hard - and it is surprising good for our physical and mental health too! Glad you had a nice weekend. I love your practice watercolors of the Cardinals. I hope you week is good. So glad that your air quality has improved. See you again soon!

  5. Laughing the hardest is definitely life goals. So lucky you all are to have each other and be living so close.

  6. Your game night sounds wonderful as does walking in the rain. We had a family filled Saturday and Mass on Sunday weekend too. No yarn chicken here though. Just knitting away on two different socks.

  7. Love those watercolors! I sure wish cardinals came here. So glad your weather has cleared up!

  8. Extend that weekend feeling through the holiday. Your yard looks beautiful. I'm glad the skies have cleared and that you found your sweate. Best of luck with that yarn dilemma.

  9. Fun water coloring! Love seeing family a blessing for you! As is having a church to go to!!! 😊 so glad!

  10. Sounds like you had a really great time at your sister's. The cardinals are really good! it looks fun to paint those. Lovely flowers and also the sweater looks like it will be nice. Have a great week!


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