

This week was fabulous, my husband and I traveled to Indiana to see our grandson and to meet our new granddaughter. Our grandson is at a wonderful age, he's beginning to talk ( A CAR!) and understands most of what we are saying to him or at least pretending to understand. He loves to tell stories that are unintelligible except for the occasional word here and there, delightful.

My husband read many books over and over again. I marched around the house singing while he gleefully followed along laughing and giggling. We took long walks at the local park.

Our little granddaughter is perfection. She loves to snuggle and be bundled up like a little burrito. She is using all the blankets I knit for her and for her little brother. 

Our travels to and from Indiana were smooth and uneventful and now I am back home trying to catch up with all those pesky chores. Later this morning, I'll take Frodo for a walk and catch up with all of your blogs.


  1. How wonderful that you got to spend time with both grandchildren! Your grandson is at a fun age, and grandparents need to snuggle new granddaughters. Good luck catching up (but I bet it was worth it)!

  2. Grand children are the best. So glad you were able to spend time with yours.

  3. What a wonderful week for you. Spending time with grandchildren is the best. And that new little one - a baby means hope for the world. Singing and playing and snuggling sounds like a perfect visit.

  4. It's so wonderful that you could visit your grandchildren. Grandchildren truly bring us joy! What a blessing!

  5. Such wonderful memories you and your family are making. It's fun to see them using the blankies from grammy.

  6. How wonderful that you got to see your new granddaughter and enjoy playing with your grandson. It is so wonderful being a grandma.

  7. congratulations on your new granddaughter :) How lovely that you could spend some time with them

  8. Sounds like a really nice week! Enjoy those littles, they become teenagers way too soon.

  9. Joy and blessings! what a wonderful week!!


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