Around Here


Around here, I've been going to my non-credit classes and keeping up with various appointments. Yesterday, we went to the Carnegie Museum of Art and walked around the galleries. We love going there every month or so. After a lunch out, we headed home so I could take Frodo out for his daily walk.

We continue to have daily sunshine and now I'm focused on the singing birds on my daily walks. Sometimes I remember to pull out my merlin app to identify the birds but frequently I'm not fast enough to catch the recording. Tonight we might have some snow, we will see about that.

Around here, I'm knee deep in baby blanket knitting mode, trying to make steady progress so I can finish the project. I've been reading a graphic novel, Grass by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim. My non-fiction read is Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson. Both are really good, I'm sure the non-fiction book will take months to read.

Holly has been quite social and says 'hi'.


  1. And hello to you, too Holly! We're supposed to get more snow, somewhere between 1-5". Fingers crossed for 1"!

  2. This reminds me that I need to see what new exhibits are coming to our museums too.

  3. Hi to Holly, good to visit your blog today x

  4. Hello Holly. I want to visit a couple of local museums soon.

  5. Hi Holly. she is such a pretty kitty stretched out on the rug. Hope you have a lovely weekend - stay warm!

  6. Cute picture of Holly! I also like that rainbow kitty from the art museum. Sounds like you have been busy in a good way. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  7. Holly likes the sunshine too. She is very sweet.

  8. You are always doing such interesting things. Maybe when I retire we can take day trips..we are in a very rural area. Have a nice weekend.

  9. Such a sweet photo of Miss Holly! The museums in your area are so amazing Karen, my husband and I need to start going to our museums more.

  10. It always takes me ages to finish a non-fiction book as well! I have one that I’m sure I’ve been picking away at for years!

  11. We got snow as well. Looks like a lovely way to spend a day, perusing a favorite museum followed by lunch.


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