

Good morning! How was your weekend?

My weekend was the weekend of broken things. On Friday, I went to print and the printer would not print. After the two of us trying our best to troubleshoot, we decided that the printer was broken, it would not hold onto the wifi (and yes the wifi was working). To be honest, I've hated that printer since we've bought it a few years ago because it was difficult and not user friendly.  So, we went out and bought a new one and guess what? It works!

Yesterday my brand new toaster (bought in December) quit working. I've submitted a warranty claim on their website, let's see what happens. I toasted my sourdough bread the old school way, in the oven.

Besides the broken things, I had a great weekend. On Saturday morning I read some and knitted some. Yesterday, we attended our grand-nephew to be's baby shower and it was fun to see family. I helped with some of the dishes. My sister helps me out so much whenever I need help.

Oh! It snowed! The backyard looks so pretty with fresh snow. I am excited that today the temps will be above freezing and my walk will hopefully be a comfortable one. 


  1. We had 10"+ from that storm on Saturday but this week looks like it will be snow-free. I hope there are no more broken things for a while!

  2. That's two too many broken things!! Your backyard looks very pretty. We got a few inches - enough to coat the trees, but the roads were fine...thankfully.

  3. Oh ugh on the broken things! (and I am hoping nothing else breaks!) The snow was just so lovely over the weekend, but the sun is making short work of it!

  4. That snow photo looks so serene. You weekend sounds wonderful. Celebrating a new life yet to be born is awesome. Boo, for broken items. Hopefully the toaster company will stand behind their warranty.

  5. I am very jealous of your snow but not of your broken things. Hope they warranty the toaster. We've got printer problems too and would love to get a new one.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about the broken printer and toaster. Our current printer is one that I have never liked...and it was set up for wi-fi, but my brother changed some settings and now it works reasonably well. I was about ready to throw it out the window before he came to visit.

    Your snow is beautiful! We had snow over the weekend as well, but the warmer temps yesterday and today have melted a large portion of it.

  7. Such a lovely photo Karen..l do miss seeing snow. Sometimes I think toast taste much better when toasted in the oven, but do hope they honor your warranty. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Oh dear, sometimes those broken things come in three's. Let's hope it is not so for you. The snow is lovely. I wish we would have one more good snow but I think it's a forlorn hope and not a popular opinion. I am glad you enjoyed the baby shower.

  9. The snow is lovely! We've had many "new" things break, and the really old things that stand the test of time. Isn't that crazy? I really think companies intentionally make products that won't last.


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