
Showing posts with the label Frontier

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!  I'm happy to report that I finished that large novel, The Once and Future King  on Monday.  What a long book, technically that is four books published under one title but whatever, it counts as one large book on Goodreads.  I enjoyed the story and being in the land of Camelot.  This book was outside my usual genre reading and I'm proud that I stretched my tastes. The book I'm currently reading, The Daughter , is  mystery thriller kind of book.  So far, it's quite tame and not nearly as long as the previous book.  I only just started this novel on Tuesday so I don't have a formed opinion. I started a hat for my holiday knitting!  I am loving knitting on tiny needles with thin yarn.  Hopefully, I'll have some serious progress to share next week. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

I know, I know, you're thinking that I'm reading the same books as last week and you are correct.  I seem to have fallen off the daytime reading goal I set for myself last week.  In my defense, I am reading at night and have a mere four pages left of Ordinary Life .  This short story collection is fun to read but many characters are unhappy.  How sad because I believe most people are happy! The Once and Future King  is slow going.  This is the daytime read, I can't pay attention at night since this book is outside my regular reading tastes.  I am enjoying the story and frequently compare this plot to what I know and what the tv show Merlin  decided to create.  All fun and engaging. My knitting has made steady progress.  The red scarf which will be converted to a cowl is fun to knit.  I have the pattern memorized but still need to pay attention to make sure I'm doing the right row at the right time.  All good. My cowl is super squishy and has some lanolin in t

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!! I am back to knitting a forever on my needles knit, the dandelion daze shawl .  I'm thrilled to once again be knitting with wool instead of cotton.  Today I'll be casting on some new projects (I hope).  But for now, I'm content to be knitting away with an almost done lace shawl.  As you know, the blocking process will show off those yarn overs. Oh I posted about my silver leaf shawl yesterday . I finished The Lake House  two days ago and thoroughly enjoyed the read.  I read some reviews reporting a tidy ending.  This is true and I am one of those crazy people that like bittersweet endings or open ended endings, you know, the ones that make you think.  I still recommend the novel, she writes a compelling story! I continue to read The Once and Future King  and started the second book in the novel.  I'm making slow, steady progress and am enjoying the Camelot Kingdom. I picked a THIN book off the shelf yesterday, and it's Ordinary Life  by E

Currently on the Needles

I started another baby sweater using the same pattern that I always use, Elizabeth Zimmermann's February Baby Sweater.  I love this pattern and yet I flub up the beginning every single time.  I guess I am a little challenged at times.  This lovely photo of my sweater beginnings was ripped out and started all over again last night. I need to read the directions carefully! My reading is the same and I knew the books would be photographed a third week in a row, so I decided to show you the new Taproot magazine.  This magazine gets better as each issue is printed.  If you have a chance, you should give it a flip through. So, my books not in the photo continue along splendidly - The Lake House  by Kate Morton and The Once and Future King by T. H. White.  I'm enjoying both of them and my progress has been minimal this week.  I need to step it up! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

Good morning! Once again it's time to share what I am knitting this past week. My shawl (brown) is coming along nicely - I have two more repeats until I get to the juicy leaf knitting.  I hope I have enough yarn - I think I'll be okay.  I think... My yellow shawl ( dandelion daze shawl ) is making steady significant progress.  I'm trying to do a repeat a day, sometimes two repeats.  I'm over half way with the knitting and I'm going until the skein is nearly done. Even though it's hot outside, inside my house is fall. I pulled out the fall decorations and when I look out the window the leaves are changing.  One more week of hot temperatures and maybe Mother Nature will get on board with me.  I can hope. Onto my reading : I'm reading two books, first off is The Lake House, I am thoroughly enjoying this book.  I have to confess, I've liked everything she has written, so I'm biased.  This book is my evening book to read.  During the day

Currently on the Needles

I bought both of these books over the weekend and I started both as well.  This is unusual since I take some time to get around to starting books (I have quite the "to read" pile in my bedroom).  I'm reading The Lake House in the evening and while I'm cooking dinner I read a few pages of The Once and Future King .  I'm excited about both reads but have no opinions as of yet. My Leaf Cowl is almost done!  What a delightful pattern that knits up quickly and is pretty.  I just might cast on another one for the gift pile.  Also I started Silverleaf shawl  to join in a lovely Knitalong started my the wonderful Tracey at Clover blog .  Care to join?  Please do.  Also we are keeping up with our projects on Instagram. If you missed the post, I finished my Antarktis Shawl and posted here What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

Yesterday I started something new and I have been in knitting heaven!  This sweet cowl caught my eye a while ago and it's been in my Ravelry queue.  I'm a little concerned that the cowl will be too small but for now I'm knitting away and I'll decide on whether I need to adjust the pattern once I have a few inches committed to the project.  I am totally fine with ripping out and starting over.  It's what knitters do! Oh, my reading is the same and it's been quite slow this week.  I am still reading this book and I am still enjoying the story immensely.  My time has been limited this week for reading and when I do read, it's right before bed and I fall asleep. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

Hello! My knitting this week has had slow but steady progress.  Last week, we moved our son from Boston to State College PA and my knitting time was minimal.  I was too busy bemoaning the hot and humid weather and no air conditioning at either apartment.  Sigh, it's a personality flaw of mine, to complain about something I am unable to change. This week is different, I'm in my home and I've been diligently working on both of the above projects.  My socks should be done this week and so will my antarktis shawl .  The big question is, what will I cast on next?  Ah, the possibilities. My reading is the same as well.  I am loving this novel and the way it mingles truth with fantasy as a child navigates through the loss of her grandmother.  It's not a sad book at all.  Can't wait to see what happens! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

I love when I'm sitting and then the light shifts just so, sending beams across my coffee table, hinting ever so slightly of fall.  I know, I know, it's full summer but still, that moment in time - beautiful! My knitting is new!  I started Antarktis shawl  because one too many of you have showcased this pattern in your posts.  I just had to knit it.  So far, I am loving the knitting and the zen feeling that garter stitch gifts me. The yarn is hedgehog fibres twist sock and all I can say is it's wonderful!! I started a young adult novel that I bought at a second hand book store while in Ottawa visiting my in laws.  I bought the book solely on the cover art, which is a slippery slope on judging a novel.  It's kind of a weird story but easy reading.  I'm half way through the book and it's good. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

My knitting has been the same this week.  I'm making steady progress on my Dandelion Daze Shawl , after ripping out four + rows over the weekend.  Silly me, I set the project down mid row and well, stitches fell off and I was unable to rescue and knit them back up.  Learned my lesson!! My socks are coming along.  I love that they are from Santa Barbara, so I think of my visit when we went there in May.  I am trying an afterthought heel instead of a heel flap.  Stay tuned for my review, I hope I like it!! I finished my Hermione Socks as well. I started The Dinner  by Herman Koch last week and it's pleasantly entertaining.  Now I will warn you that the narrator has a sarcastic attitude which could be off putting to some.  However, my nephew insisted I would like this book and so far he is correct (I guess I ooze sarcasm...).  I love that there have been a few plot twists that I didn't expect.  I hate when I guess where the story is going!! What are you knitting and

Currently on the Needles

I asked many of you on Instagram what to knit next with this skein , overwhelmingly you said "SOCKS"....I am so very glad I listened to you, because this skein is delightful and I'm loving the colors popping as I knit and knit.   Sock knitting bliss at it's finest.  I decided to go back to my personal recipe for socks, because I love not reading directions and following my own in my little old head.  Also the yarn is so busy I feel a pattern would be lost. I am still reading The Martian,  I was hoping to finish the novel yesterday (which I am enjoying immensely) but I was sidetracked by the internet and a silly search for a quick getaway before the summer ends.  I didn't find a getaway (yet) but a staycation is looking very lucrative for us!! By the way, there is a giveaway here on my blog for a free pattern by Andrea once it is released. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

As you can see, I'm making fantastic progress on my socks .  I do love the contrasting heel and toe, I might do that on the next few pairs of socks.  The pattern is quick and easy, I did change a few things, mainly doing 2 x 2 ribbing, my preferred ribbing of choice.  One sock done and one to go! I'm plugging away on The Martian  and overall I'm enjoying the story.  The main character is sarcastic and quite funny (I'm sarcastic and quite funny).  However, I admit that my science education is rusty and lacking.  There is a LOT of chemistry talk and gosh, my eyes glass over and I kind of drool in my own stupidity.  However, I guess I'm learning something (?). I wish, really wish, that I paid attention to Mrs. Lucas in Chemistry I.  But I didn't and I relied on my chemistry partner, Eileen who was the valedictorian of our class, to do all the labs for us.  I cheated myself in learning basic science stuff (see! high tech science talk from me) and The Martia

Currently on the Needles

Well, you must be thinking I'm someone else the week.  I am reading The Martian  which is completely out of my reading comfort zone.  I did love the opening sentence of the book which is R rated and kind of sarcastically funny.  You see, both my son and my nephew insisted this is my kind of book and the content isn't as important as the way the story is told.  So, I'm reading it and I'm liking it. I finished The Nest  and it was fantastic!!  Sure it's about a dysfunctional selfish family of middle aged siblings but I kind of liked them because it showed the "ugly" side of us, the petty, the unforgiving and the horrible stuff that might cross our minds when we are feeling vulnerable or sad (or selfish).  The characters were interesting and most of them had personal growth. My knitting!  Can you see it?   SOCKS .  I felt like if I cast on another shawl I was going to groan.  So I needed to do something else, and socks are the answer to knitting ennui.

Currently on the Needles

Well well well, I am on to another book!  I saw this novel displayed at the library and checked it out without knowing what the story is all about.  Goodreads gives an array of opinions from people either loving or hating it.  So I will let you know what I think.  Just started reading two days ago, so I'm opinion-less. I am casting off on my test knit .  I will be blocking this cowl sometime over the busy weekend, so I can achieve a bit more drape.  I think I knit on the snug side... That skein of purple loveliness will be my next project but I'm not sure yet what pattern.  I keep changing my mind.  I'm leaning towards a shawl but yet I wonder if that is what I really really want, first world problems of a dedicated knitter.  Stay tuned for the decision, if I make one today or tomorrow. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier dreams

Currently on the Needles

I know, you're thinking that my reading this week is exactly the same as last week.  You're correct!  But I'm so close to finishing After You, I only have three or four chapters left.  I am enjoying the book, her writing is compelling to read.  I haven't touched Tavern on Maple Street . My knitting is all about a test knit for Andrea .  I love this cowl so far and I'm enjoying the Madeline Tosh sock yarn immensely!  There is nothing like a plied yarn after using single ply two projects in a row.  And the wool, well it's squishy and soft and my hands itch to work on it.  Nothing could be better than that! What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

Ha!  My knitting is a little bit different, although I'm still plugging along on the baby blanket .  Over the weekend, I cast on another wurm hat  for a relative of a friend I know who is going through chemo treatments.  I wanted to knit something in her favorite color and hope this small gift brings her joy during her health challenges.  According to Ravelry, this is the eighth time I've knit the  wurm  pattern.  I must like it! I also posted about my finished shawl yesterday . My reading has been minimal for The Tavern on Maple Street.   This happened because I started a library book After You  and well, it's a library book, there's a deadline of sorts so I feel I should read that more than the other one...  Both books are good. What have you been knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!! This week my knitting has been minimal but I keep trying every day to add a few rows.  As I mentioned in this post  my RA flare up is STILL hanging around.  I am off prednisone (yay) and am now managing with Tylenol, icing my right hand and wrist and wearing the wrist splint religiously. I am improving every single day while waiting for long term med adjustments to kick in.  Call me an optimist but I think any day now that will happen!  It must. So while I'm taking care of myself, I have added a few rows to the baby blanket each night and I add a repeat to the lace shawl  ever so slowly.  I'm celebrating what I can do and know this is all temporary. My reading has been fun.  I'm still reading The Tavern on Maple Street  as my night time reading.  I'm enjoying the story and the cast of characters.  At the library, I picked up a bunch of creativity books.  I've read  Big Magic  in a few days, I'm glad the library had this book and the wri

Currently on the Needles

I'm excited to share with you the latest project on the needles, another baby blanket !  A co-worker at my husband's department is expecting a little girl in the fall.  So I dug deep into the stash and unearthed more pink yarn and cast on. Check out my finished Reyna Shawl , if you missed the post! I finished reading The Nightingale on my Kindle and enjoyed the story over all.  I loved the World War II period and the plot, although predictable at times, had some twists and turns that I was not expecting.  So you should give it a read! My new novel I'm reading, The Tavern on Maple Street,  was sitting on my shelf forever, well it felt like forever.  I've read her two previous novels and enjoyed the "happy" overall story line.  Happy stories feel good and cozy and oh so easy to pick up and put down during the summer months. What are you knitting and reading this week? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

Currently on the Needles

I've been reviving my menu plan and what better way than to flip through a magazine :)  Since we ate out every single day while on vacation in Santa Barbara , I felt the need to eat at home, clean eating and not "restaurant" eating.  Oh, does it feel good to do this for our bodies. I am reading The Nightingale  on my Kindle and enjoying the period writing of World War II.  This novel took a couple of chapters for me to be engrossed.  Also, I prefer real print books and have trouble reading my Kindle in bed, so I might be starting another book for the late night readings. My knitting has something new!  I started this shawl over the weekend and while at first the pattern was baffling, the pattern ended up being "potato chip" knitting.  I cannot stop and love doing a repeat and seeing the shawl grow. In the evenings, I'm knitting my dandelion daze shawl , slowly but surely.  Unfortunately I had to rip out an entire repeat last night so I lost some w

Currently on the Needles

Good morning!  How are all of you this fine Wednesday?  My knitting has been the same since last week. I am almost done with the Hey Now Shawl .  I love the super simple pattern and how easy it is to memorize.  I can pick it up and put it down at random.  This made the perfect travel project.  I will be writing up where I was and who I was with in a few days. Let's just say I have jet lag.... Now the book.  I am thoroughly enjoying The Border of Paradise by Esme Weijun Wang, what a compelling read! The characters are complex and I empathize with each and every one.  The Gothic tones also excite me. I am over a third of a way through the book and I'm wanting more.  (I love that wanting feeling while I read!) The other book I am reading The Nightingale    is on my Kindle.  I'm enjoying this one as well, I know many of you have read this one and it's been on my to read list. What are you knitting and reading? Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams *I hope to c