
Showing posts with the label gift

Carnation Shawl

  How are you? I am officially wishing for FALL. I gave up, the weather is too soupy out there to enjoy.   I finished this scarf ! Yes that is me shouting with glee. I've been working on this scarf for a long time, so  it's nice to be cast off, blocked and after I post this - wrapped up to be gifted in the fall. I enjoyed the pattern but I knew I would get a little bored in the middle, I always do on a scarf - with a shawl or cowl I'm okay with the middle, same with a sweater.  What are you working on this week?


  Good afternoon! How are you? How was your weekend? Ta Da! I pulled out some paints and I painted a tiny picture over the weekend - I felt creative and Frodo approves of my skills. Also this weekend I worked on the lace shawl and am so close to the end.  We didn't do much this weekend, at Mass I nearly passed out because it doesn't have AC (this is my childhood church that is very old) so I guess we are going to an AC Church until the fall. No one else looked hot, even the priest with all of his garb. So it's me and my autoimmune condition. Heat and/or sun are just awful for me.  I've been enjoying sitting on the back patio and some quiet time there. 

Knitting News

  Good morning! The past two days have been cool enough to enjoy the weather outside but the heat is coming back. Lucky for me, I have lovely knitting projects to keep me company. The above photo is a pair of mittens , surprisingly for me! My daughter and son in law gave me the wool for Mother's Day. I'm having a hard time seeing the rows because the yarn is so dark but I'm having fun with the pattern. The below photo is the lace scarf that I finally memorized the stitch pattern, this took me nearly half of the scarf to do so. The middle stitches are easy to memorize, it was the bordering stitches that continuously stumped me. I am enjoy this knit! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! It's a steamy hot day today and I'm sitting inside loving the AC, also I am grateful I have AC. My knitting update isn't very exciting. We had company over the weekend and yesterday I spent the whole day recovering from a brief (but painful) stomach virus. I'm fine now but all I did was nap on and off the entire day. I also slept great through the night! The leg warmers for my mother in law are coming along nicely. I am nearing the end of the stockinette part of the first leg warmer. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! I started this scarf at the beginning of April and it is a Christmas gift. I had a spare skein of malabrigo yarn lace and according to the directions I should have enough yarn. We shall see! I have to concentrate while knitting this so I only work on it a few times a week while I still have non-credit classes to attend. I will be having a few weeks off before the summer sessions start so hopefully I will have more time to knit! What are you working on this week?

Another Baby Cardigan

  Good morning! How are you all?  I finished the baby cardigan for my great grand nephew before the weekend even started (yay!). I love the the finished project, love the neutral color, but didn't care for the yarn. I did knit at a tight gauge which made the hand pain worse, completely my fault. I have found over the years that I prefer to knit with wool or washable wool for optimal knitting joy.  What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning!  Once again, here I am giving you a weekly update on my knitting. This week I'm busy with my classes and various appointments, so I'm knitting a little less. I've been working on this baby sweater in the evenings trying to finish it by the weekend. This is a doable goal!  Since returning home from our weekend trip to Indiana, I haven't touched the baby blanket  because the baby sweater has to be completed and wrapped for a baby shower next weekend while the blanket has an open-ended deadline. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How are you?  We had a super quick weekend getaway to Indiana to celebrate our grandson's second birthday! Both sets of grandparents were in attendance to spend time with the grands and we had fun at the little birthday party with our children's friends.  I cannot believe he is TWO!  I have to confess, I do love two year olds when everything is NO. (I can say that with joy because I am a grandparent and not a parent). He says 'no' to everything, adorable and funny.  I did a lot of car knitting. I am now on the friend's baby blanket for her first grandchild. I'm making lots of progress! I hope to catch up with all of your spaces in the next day or so!!

Sage Blanket

  Good morning! How are all of you on this fine cloudy Wednesday morning? I hope the sun is shining where you are! I finished the baby blanket over the weekend and Mother Nature let in enough light on a cloudy day for me to take some photos. I love this blanket pattern and using the cotton yarn is just perfect for wash and go and the drape is wonderful. I have started another baby blanket for a friend who just had their first grandchild. The needles are always busy, aren't they? What are you working on this week?


  Good morning, how was your weekend? We stayed home and did nothing which is the best kind of weekend because I did all the knitting and reading I could possibly do. The rainy weather persisted and Frodo shivered. He was recently groomed and even though we leave his coat a little longer the poor old man cannot take damp weather. Isn't it funny how damp cold seeps into your bones? I did finish that baby blanket and started another one. I also started a baby sweater for the grand nephew to be. I'm reading The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths which is the eleventh book in the series. I'm gobbling them all up! 

Knitting News

  Good morning!  I have been working daily on this baby blanket making steady progress in the hopes of finishing it by the weekend. Having said that, I'm sure I've jinxed myself and will not finish it. But that is okay, the baby shower for my grand-nephew-to-be isn't for a few weeks. I'd also like to knit a little sweater as well which I haven't started yet. What have you been working on this week?

Snow Days

  As I sit at the kitchen table typing this post, the snow is gently falling down. I guess we are getting 3-5 inches of snow today, maybe. You never know if they are guessing right or not. I am so grateful to have a warm house and lots of knitting to keep me busy. I've been mainly working on the baby blanket in the evenings. During the day when I am free, I tend to work on a shawl. I love my January knitting! I have no deadlines (self imposed but still freeing). My Tai Chi class started up this past week! Oh my, I missed the class while we were on break and it was so nice to be once again moving my body not remembering the sequence and being at peace with the not knowing. Delightful! As you can see, I did some watercolor painting the other day. I resist pulling out my paints but when I do take them out and paint I enjoy myself and wonder why I resist? A mystery.  I hope you have a lovely weekend and are warm inside if you are getting the same storm.

Grandchildren Hats

  Well hello there! How have you been?  I keep telling you my knitting has been such a solace while I recover and it's been prolific. What a great way to be during the January days. Over the weekend I finished two hats that I originally wanted to knit and complete for Christmas presents but was unable to do so. I made a car hat for our grandson and a cat hat for our granddaughter. I've knit both patterns before and I do love to repeat a pattern.  I am feeling so much better and I feel like myself if that makes any sense.  I'm back to exercising and walking when the weather allows me and that helps me be the best version of myself. What are you working on this week?

Christmas Wishes

  Good morning! How are you doing? Are you ready for the holidays?  I'm pleased to report that Frodo has been doing really well! He was barking so much yesterday that I have gratitude that he was back to his old self plus some annoyance mixed in with the gratitude. What a wonderful place to be. I am still battling my virus, but each day I see progress and that makes me happy (today is my first day to not be under a blanket!) and luckily my husband is fully recovered. Onward and upward. Yesterday I did lots of knitting and have mad scheming plans to finish these stockings for the grands for Christmas day. Completely doable if I set my mind to it! The worst part is the duplicate stitching of their names.  May you all have a Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year. 

Comfort and Joy

  I started wrapping gifts this week and I'm almost done with the task. Yesterday, my husband and I went out for a little shopping and walking around a tiny town nearby. I bought some yarn (from Santa, how does he know what I want??). We had an early lunch at a tiny cafe and I ordered FANCY avocado toast. Honestly it's made me rethink how I make my plain avocado toast at home. I am also surprised at the price I paid for this simple yet delicious food. However, when you eat out you are paying for the luxury of sitting in a dining space to relax and enjoy your food, while people watching. The endless blue skies and sunshine on our outing brought me such joy in my heart.  My son and his family return to us on Christmas day for almost a week. I'm excited to see the kids again and I hope this visit that no one is ill and I get to sleep. What brings me comfort and joy: - the Advent season - Frodo's haircut - easing back into knitting cautiously - avocado toast amplified - det

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you doing on this fine morning?  I've been happily knitting on two projects. I started a Christmas stocking for my grandson for my house a few days ago. It's wonderful to be knitting again without pain, but I am still limiting the amount of time I am knitting to make sure I don't return to any arthritis flare ups. The other project is a simple rib hat for me.  What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was so great that I only have one photo. The best news of the day is that I can knit and my hands are healed. I know, you are wondering if I learned my lesson. Yes I have. I will not marathon knit gnomes while having an arthritis flare up. Over the weekend I was able to knit and enjoy my knitting. I started a Christmas stocking for my house for our grandson. I'd like to knit one for our granddaughter but I am taking the knitting slow and easy. I've been reading mostly if I'm not knitting. My current read is Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano which is so good I cannot stop reading. I will be sad when this book is finished.  The rest of the weekend was socializing with my family, doing the laundry and weekly cleaning like I always do. I have a lofty goal of being 'done done' with the holiday shopping by the end of the week. I need to start wrapping gifts soon.

Oats Cowl

  Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I started an easy cowl  project for a Christmas gift and one that was gentle on my sore hands (my hands are mostly recovered from the manic gnome knitting). This simple, yet elegant cowl was perfect! My hands are happiest with circular needles and wool yarn. The wool is from deep stash and I am lucky to have another skein of this pretty yellow colorway to knit something for myself if I choose to do so.  What are you working on this week?

Gnola Gnomes

  Good morning! I have finished the gnomes !  Of course, this achievement came with great sufferings. My hands and wrists are painful and I'm waiting out the healing process. I am knitting limitedly and trying to be patient with myself. I have shelved all other holiday knitting and probably will not do it. I have always listened to my body and when it screams rest, I rest. I'm confident that this wrist/hand pain is autoimmune related and so it will go away eventually. In the mean time, I casted on a little 1x1 rib hat for myself to keep me busy. Aren't these little gnomes adorable? This time around I used double knitting and sport weight left over wools to create these little wonders. 

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? I am tired from the time change even though the time change was to my benefit. Sadly I am waking up at strange times and then having trouble going back to sleep. Also one of the many smoke alarms decided to chirp at 3:30 a.m. (grrr) I have FIVE gnomes completed and would like to make two more. I had to take a knitting break yesterday due to hand and wrist pain as well as neck pain. Too much of a good thing ends up being a problem. I feel a lot better. What are you working on this week?