
Showing posts with the label hat

Classic Ribbed Hat

  I started this hat last November thinking this project would be a super quick knit and I only just finished it last week. Over and over again, I passed up knitting this project for other projects. I can only assume I do not like to knit 1 x 1 ribbing for nine inches! The hat is for me or my husband and is not a gift (I am knitting for others most of the time). I loved how it turned out.


  How was your weekend? I'm on a roll with having quiet weekends and this one was really restive. The only event that caused some hiccups was the crazy windy rainy weather that knocked out power for moments at a time. We held our breath waiting to see if it was permanent and luckily it was not. Phew. On Saturday we went for a country drive north of us and did a little bit of shopping (one was a grocery store so that wasn't exciting but they carry things I cannot get locally). We enjoyed seeing the greening trees and spring bursting everywhere. Sunday morning, we attended Mass and then the rest of the day was laundry.  All weekend long I was either reading or knitting. What a great way to spend a weekend. The top photo is a scarf and the bottom photo is a never ending hat in K1 P1 ribbing. How was your weekend?

Grandchildren Hats

  Well hello there! How have you been?  I keep telling you my knitting has been such a solace while I recover and it's been prolific. What a great way to be during the January days. Over the weekend I finished two hats that I originally wanted to knit and complete for Christmas presents but was unable to do so. I made a car hat for our grandson and a cat hat for our granddaughter. I've knit both patterns before and I do love to repeat a pattern.  I am feeling so much better and I feel like myself if that makes any sense.  I'm back to exercising and walking when the weather allows me and that helps me be the best version of myself. What are you working on this week?

Journaling and Knitting

  Good morning! How are you doing on this fine January day? Can you believe we are closing in on mid January? Sadly, we are expecting rain later today after a crazy amount of rain on Tuesday. I'm hoping to get out and walk with Frodo before the rain shows up. I started a new creative journal for 2024 and it will last for two years like the previous one. I do memory keeping and some journaling prompts and whatever sparks my interest. There is something about a new notebook or journal that just inspires me. Many of my journaling prompts come from whatever I see on the internet while I'm toodling about. I like to write about what I am noticing on my walks, what I am looking forward to doing in the coming weeks. There is always a gratitude page and sometimes just write about what I did during the day. Whenever we are gathered with family, I will print some photos of the grands and document the visit. Of course I write about our museum outings as well and any other day trips or week

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are all of you?  I'm still recovering. I know what a sad sentence to write. Early on Friday morning, 7:40 am, I snagged a doctor's appointment for my sinus infection that is now an ear infection in both ears and my hearing is compromised in one ear. I'm on a different antibiotic and a round of prednisone.  I'm still trying to schedule an ENT appointment, wish me luck! I have been knitting up a STORM people!! I don't know what's got into me. I think it's because the company has left, I'm not in classes at the university at the moment and I am motivated to cast on all the new shiny things. It's a wonderful feeling. The top photo is a shawl with changing colors that is thoroughly addicting. I chose a Helen Stewart pattern that I have knit before so it's like being with a best buddy. I won't tell you how I had to unknit twice four rows of knitting because I wasn't paying attention. Below is a baby blanket for my nephew&

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are all you lovely people?  My knitting this week has been slow. I am feeling better and because of that I am knitting once more. On the left is a simple cowl of my own design that I call knit doodling. The pattern is two rows of knit one purl one, one knit row then one purl row. That's it, then I go on repeat.  To be honest the hat on the right hasn't been touched until I took the project out of my bag for this photograph! I ended up going to express care on Monday for some modern magical medicine to treat a nasty sinus infection. I would love to tell you all about my resolutions and plans for the new year. Sadly the extended family visit and nearly three weeks of feeling awful have waylaid any intentions. Sitting upright was my goal yesterday, ha ha ha. I am eager to get back to my regular exercise routine and of course knit something new. Non-credit courses start back up again in a few weeks as well. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you doing on this fine morning?  I've been happily knitting on two projects. I started a Christmas stocking for my grandson for my house a few days ago. It's wonderful to be knitting again without pain, but I am still limiting the amount of time I am knitting to make sure I don't return to any arthritis flare ups. The other project is a simple rib hat for me.  What are you working on this week?

Lilac Cardigan and Bonnet

  After some feverish knitting I have completed both the baby sweater and the bonnet within six days. I do love the speediness of a baby knit! I've knit this baby sweater so many times (fifteen times according to Ravelry) and the bonnet was my first time ever. I enjoyed the construction immensely, Elizabeth Zimmermann was ahead of her times. What are you working on this week?

Motta Hat

  Good morning! How are you doing? Do you have snow? We are supposed to get some but so far nothing is happening.  I finished this lovely hat in mid-January and enjoyed every row and every blessed stitch. I am still trying to decide if I want a pom pom on it or not. I'm wearing it pom-pom-less and seeing if I like the way it looks and feels. If I do go for a pom pom it will be a removable one for hand-washing the hat. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  My super secret project is finished, well within the deadline and I'll talk more about the project with details next week. All will be revealed. This week I've been mainly knitting my Motta Hat which I adore working on. I could have manically worked on this project so that it was done for today's post but I'm enjoying and savoring the slow knitting along with the slow January days. I'm respecting the 'no goal' knitting vibe that is decadent (except for the super secret knitting project, that was manic and frantic!). Next up is the good things scarf . The knitting has been minimal but the thinking has been non-stop. I do not have enough of the gray wool to keep the pattern going as I had initially planned. However yesterday I thought more about it and there's a chance I have enough if I end the scarf with gray. I'm still thinking about it. I have rushed out and bought mini skeins here and there and do not want to rush out and buy a whole skein of g

Knitting News

  Hello! How are you all doing? We had such a great time babysitting our grandson. We are exhausted, ha ha. I definitely used muscles I haven't used since I babysat the toddler girl a few years ago. So glad that I do all that exercising! Anyways, I am working on a super secret project that doesn't have a photo or a project page. I ran out of yarn and am waiting for the new yarn to arrive. Once my secret is over, I'll share it with you, I promise. Above is my hat which I am working on in bits. I love this pattern and the quince yarn. I'm not a fan of bobbles but these bobbles are endearing!  What are you working on this week?  I hope to be visiting you all today and tomorrow :)

Knitting News

  I am addicted to knitting this hat . I want to enjoy and savor the knitting and not rush through it. But then on the other hand, we are heading towards a severe cold snap and another hat in my rotation would be delightful to wear.  Not in the photo is a pair of socks for my husband that I'm trying to finish by Christmas Day. I think I can! I knit them right in front of him and he hasn't a single clue. I finished the first sock and nearing the heel flap of the second sock. What are you working on this week?

Creative Chaos

  Yesterday I started another hat for little old me (as knitters do). Last Christmas, I received t he pattern and yarn from my husband from Quince and Co . I am a huge fan of their wools. I worked on this hat exclusively for the whole afternoon! I decided that my knitting bag needed a clean out and a refresh. So I reorganized the project bags, refiled patterns that I no longer need and tucked away scrap yarns in my yarn closet. Through the chaos there's organization! After a rainy day yesterday, I'm looking forward to walking Frodo and getting some much needed exercise to release my wiggles. Also the 'master list of Christmas tasks' is being drawn up and analyzed. I have yet to decide if I am baking and what I am baking if I am baking.

Knitting News and a Hat

  Good morning! I'm excited to show you my new hat that I've been wearing on my walks with Frodo. It is a warm hat and that is exactly what I needed. I wished the brim was a little longer and maybe the next time around I will pick a plumper DK wool. Otherwise I am thrilled with the way this hat turned out. I thought I was finished with knitting Christmas gifts and then remembered two more that I needed to whip up. Thankfully mitts are a super speedy knit. I've finished one pair and am currently knitting the second pair. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing today and most of all, how are your projects coming along?  Well I thought I'd have this hat done by now. You see, I took this project to my sister's neighborhood stitching group Monday night and every blessed stitch I knitted had to be undone. That's approximately five rows. I had to un-knit each stitch because of the twisted stitches that occur every single row. I've learned my lesson and will take simple socks from now on. I'm thrilled to report I've fixed the mistake and I've knit back those five rows yesterday! What are you working on this week?

Selfish Knitting, Maybe

  I've been knitting away gleefully on projects that are for me. To be honest, I did cast on another pair of socks for my husband but I had a really good reason. All of my 'me' knitting needs my full attention and when I'm reading a book on my Kindle I require dead simple knitting. That is why I started a pair of socks. I could have made a pair for myself but my husband is hard on hand-knit socks and blows holes in them within 3-4 years (the best yarn is trekking XXL). I still have socks in my drawer that are 20 years old and do not have a single hole. Go figure!  How are you?  Winter weather has arrived here and it is beautiful! I know I am an oddball with my love of winter but golly, it never gets old for me. I've been a winter lover as long as I can remember. My mother (God rest her soul) loved summer and just could not understand my dedication to a season that chilled her to the bone. She would say 'wait until you have to drive in it' and so on. Even whe

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you?  All of my knitting goals that I eagerly set have been minimal.  I am having a flare up from the autoimmune disease I have (Sjogren's syndrome) this time it's my eyes that are very dry. I saw the eye doctor yesterday and have some new meds that will take a while to work. Anyways, my knitting isn't at full speed. Okay, many of you are asking what is a cat blanket. My daughter has an elderly cat and I thought she might like a little blanket to lay on and then my daughter can just wash that instead of a whole quilt that the cat sleeps on. You and I both know that cats are surprising and maybe she won't lay on it at all. I'm definitely making two cat mat blankets or three if I'm adventurous. The bottom photo is a hat for me! Yes I did it, I chose the beeswax hat pattern to pair with this gorgeous green wool. I am in love with this project! What are you working on this week?

Hats and Mitts

  Two weekends ago, yet it feels like last weekend, I went on a crazy knitting frenzy and whipped up TWO hats and TWO pairs of mitts. The bear hat  and mitts are for our grandson for Christmas. I never get tired of knitting this pattern, I've made it many times. For my grandnephew I made a car hat and mitts . He is going to be two years old in January and he loves everything that is cars and trucks. Let's see if he will wear a 'car' themed hat even though he hates hats! You never know with toddlers. What are you knitting this week?


  Maybe, just maybe I have regained my energy levels after the trip to Cambridge MA last weekend. I've been knitting furiously both Saturday and Sunday thoroughly enjoying a burst of creative energy from the cold weather we are having and will continue to have this week. Saturday morning I wore wool on my walk, first time of the season!  Holly have been a little devil over the weekend. She keeps sneaking up on Frodo. Most of the time he is asleep but she thinks it's great fun! She is living her best life. Frodo is too.  I started knitting Christmas gifts for my grandson and my grand nephew. Almost done!! My weekend contained: -homemade chicken noodle soup - lunch out with my dad and step mom - daily walks with Frodo in the chilly air - lots of reading - lots of knitting - a phone call from our son - watching 'the US and the Holocaust' documentary by Ken Burns (highly recommend!) - four loads of laundry - a squeaky clean kitchen floor - apple cake -  How was your

Whether the Weather

  Good morning! I hope you've had a fabulous week. My week was perfection, I spent each day catching up on all those tasks that were set aside for traveling. I'm currently sitting in my kitchen drinking my last cup of morning coffee before the day officially begins. The weather is deliciously cold (gah!). Yesterday was windy which turned warm air into autumnal breezes. The week's forecast is going to be cold, finally. We had lunch outside on the patio probably for the last time earlier this week. Well, at least I had my last lunch, my husband might just sit out there in the cold clinging onto the dregs of summer living. He is so sad that autumn has arrived. I am not, I've been daydreaming of sweater wearing weather for about six weeks.  Yesterday I focused on knitting and finishing the sweater , all day long and as you can see by the above photo it is drying after a little bit of soaking and mild blocking. My husband thinks Holly will sit on it, I do not. Who would wan