
Showing posts with the label sweater

Knitting News

  How are you?  Last night I finished that cuff and have started the second sleeve on my fall sweater. I cannot wait to wear this! Also this week we've been having cooler weather and so when I work on this sweater I do not get hot from having a big old pile of wool on my lap, it's the simplest of pleasures. I hope that we are done with heat waves, I am so ready for fall and cold weather. How are your projects coming along?


  How was your weekend? Mine is still going strong since it is Labor Day today. Yesterday after Mass we walked to a local coffee shop and I ordered a matcha latte. It was okay, I was expecting more from the drink! I'm not a drink lover over all so maybe it was me and my expectations going in.  Maybe just maybe we are over the heat waves? I can dream! I worked on my sweater and my socks through out the weekend making progress on both of them. I sat on my back patio reading both Saturday and Sunday knowing that by the end of this month it will be too chilly to do so. Usually the awning gets taken down early October. I am so looking forward to Autumn. In my heart that season is already here. I've been extending my walks trying to add more time to my outings and I've started using my left arm in my exercising routine. So far I am feeling great, just a tad weak.  How was your weekend?

Knitting News

  My knitting has been minimal since I traveled to see the kids in Indiana last weekend. I did do some sock knitting on the way there but then the AC in the car went intermittent. The car was too hot for me to knit and I ached so I didn't do anything but grumble. Of course being with wiggly little ones made it impossible to knit!! (I was happy with the wigglers). I pulled out my sweater yesterday and worked on the body edge ribbing. I have two more rows and then I get to do sleeves!!  What are you working on this week?

Around Here

  Around here, I'm noticing a shift in the weather. The cool mornings are delightful when I walk Frodo and sometimes it even feels like Fall is beginning. I've enjoyed my hydrangeas and their showy blooms all summer long. The black cherry trees are starting to turn yellow. I am all in for the seasons to change. Around here, I am noticing I am impatient with recovery and wearing a sling. I remind myself it could be a cast and still I'm grumbling in my head. Frodo was groomed this week and he will be 'cold' for 1-2 weeks until he adjusts to his haircut. He has been doing well and sometimes he acts so annoyingly. I feel blessed when I am irritated with him and his demands to be outside (he loves to walk around the yard). He is tolerating his new medicine well and we are happy. Around here, even though I am allowed to knit while my elbow heals, I find all knitting very slow going. Again, I'm trying to learn patience as an impatient person. I lean into gratitude and

Knitting News

  Good morning, how are you doing? What have you been working on this week? I've been thoroughly enjoying the endless sea of stockinette knitting of my sweater . When I was young, I didn't like mindless knitting, now I love it! Who am I? The knitting is easy and comforting, just what I need at this moment of time. I'm also working on the first  sock . They will probably not match (again). I fear I might run out of yarn if I try to match them up so I'm going rogue and letting the colors fall where they may!!


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was great! It's been fun ignoring the summer heat and sitting inside my home in AC knitting a wool sweater. I highly recommend this. Supposedly it's going to rain today.  Friday night, we went to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and board games. We always have fun together and I love to not cook dinner. Saturday and Sunday were my 'chill' days. I read some of The Secret Garden and started The Princess Bride  which I have never read before and only recently seen the movie for the first time.  As you can see in the above photo, I worked on my sweater , adding inches to the body. I do love mindless stockinette knitting. My intention this week is to journal more, doodle more and show up more in my notebooks. This weekend I nailed that goal and I hope to continue this the rest of the week.

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? What are you working on this week? I continue to work on my felix cardigan , slowly adding some rows while trying not to overdo it. This summer I've been successful at avoiding an arthritis flare. I am a few rows away from the arm hole sectioning. I am also working on a pair of socks that I forgot to take a photo of AND forgot to make a project page. The socks are a Christmas gift. 

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? There is something so satisfying as to be knitting a wool sweater during an oppressive heat wave. I know it's crazy, but it's true. I feel so defiant! I've been enjoying this knit and the promise of cooler weather in my future. Also if you know me, you know that I love to knit with thin wool, so knitting with worsted weight wool feels fast and furious! I finished the mini leg warmers a few days ago. I did not enjoy knitting these because the yarn kept splitting. They are a gift that I believe will be well received.  What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? On Saturday, my local family arrived for a picnic at my house. We sat outside for about an hour then headed indoors because the heat became too much. Most of Saturday morning, I got ready for the picnic. I'm so grateful that family brought dishes to share which made my work in the kitchen manageable. After everyone left, I had the house put back together again before I went to bed. Did I take a photo? Nope. I was in the moment! On Sunday morning, I went to 7:30 am Mass then came home to do one load of laundry since I did much of the laundry the day before my work was easy. I rested the whole afternoon and evening. I read a ton and knitted a little bit.  As you can see, I am knitting the sweater and I still have that last leg warmer to finish up. It will be done today! 

Topsy Turvy

Well now, how are you? How has your week been? Over here we are flying by the seat of our pants! I decided on a whim to start a sweater for me yesterday in defiance to the summer season. This sweater is 100% wool yarn. Yep. I am throwing myself into fall colors and daydreams of cooler weather. I couldn't decide on a new sweater pattern so I picked a pattern I have knit once before. This was the weekend that both sets of kids and the grandkids were to visit but that all was cancelled on Wednesday. Our granddaughter has had an antibiotic resistant ear infection with a fever all week long. Maybe the kids will reschedule for later this summer. I'm still having the family picnic tomorrow with local relatives and I have lots of cooking to do today and tomorrow! I'm excited to see everyone. Frodo has a recheck next week and I cannot wait to see how his bloodwork is! He has improved and we are glad about that. His haircut this time is so cute and he looks like a puppy sometimes. H

Another Baby Cardigan

  Good morning! How are you all?  I finished the baby cardigan for my great grand nephew before the weekend even started (yay!). I love the the finished project, love the neutral color, but didn't care for the yarn. I did knit at a tight gauge which made the hand pain worse, completely my fault. I have found over the years that I prefer to knit with wool or washable wool for optimal knitting joy.  What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning!  Once again, here I am giving you a weekly update on my knitting. This week I'm busy with my classes and various appointments, so I'm knitting a little less. I've been working on this baby sweater in the evenings trying to finish it by the weekend. This is a doable goal!  Since returning home from our weekend trip to Indiana, I haven't touched the baby blanket  because the baby sweater has to be completed and wrapped for a baby shower next weekend while the blanket has an open-ended deadline. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning, how was your weekend? We stayed home and did nothing which is the best kind of weekend because I did all the knitting and reading I could possibly do. The rainy weather persisted and Frodo shivered. He was recently groomed and even though we leave his coat a little longer the poor old man cannot take damp weather. Isn't it funny how damp cold seeps into your bones? I did finish that baby blanket and started another one. I also started a baby sweater for the grand nephew to be. I'm reading The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths which is the eleventh book in the series. I'm gobbling them all up! 

Alouette Cardigan

  Good morning! I am so happy to share with you my granddaughter's little cardigan ! I loved working on this and enjoyed how speedy the knitting was. I decided to make the six month old size knowing that the garment would grow with soaking and blocking because the wool is super-wash. 

Knitting News

  I am so close to finishing my granddaughter's holiday sweater . I had every intention to finish it yesterday but I didn't knit at all. I have high hopes and pipe dreams that today I will finish that sweet tiny sleeve. Also, I was so busy that I forgot to take a photo in natural light, hence the above early morning photo. What are you working on this week?

Arbitrary Goals

  After being away last weekend, this whole week was kind of a catch-up week where I didn't quite catch-up but kept adding more to my to do list. I am behind in my holiday knitting but then does it matter? I don't think so, only I know of my arbitrary goals.  This week, I started my granddaughter's Christmas sweater and I have been thoroughly enjoying working on this little project in the evenings and even during the day. Maybe it's the wool maybe it's the pattern or maybe it's both at the same time. So far, I don't think I have any mistakes but then again you never know. My husband and I received our flu and covid shots on Wednesday late afternoon. Yesterday was a challenging day. Tylenol fixed everything, but golly,  I was dragging myself around.  I only have a sore arm this morning, I am grateful. Of course my husband had a minimal reaction, grr. Autumn is fully here, the leaves are changing and the mornings are quite cold. Frodo and I moved our early mo

Flax Pullover

  I finished our grandson's Christmas sweater last Thursday but only just photoed it yesterday. I am quite pleased with how it turned out. I made the 2-4T size and since he already is wearing 2T as I type this up. He's only going to grow! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  How has your creative pursuits been this week? I've been making great progress on my grandson's Christmas sweater. I was torn on what size to make. My choices were 1-2T or 2-4T. He already fits into 2T so I did the larger size and now wonder if this will be to big. My brain says better to be too big than too small and I continue to knit away. I finished the first sleeve last night and hope I finish the second sleeve tonight. What are you working on this week?

Grace and Ease

  How delightful to see the oak leaves falling. On my daily walks with Frodo, I've been soaking in the changes of the seasons. Entering into Autumn never disappoints and this time of year is when I think about new knitting projects and writing projects. All the books I want to read stare me down and I rethink my priorities of what I really want to focus on.  Surprisingly I picked up my paints yesterday and dabbled a tiny bit in my creative journal. Weeks have gone by since I created anything remotely related to art. Just like knitting, my interests hop around and one form of creativity over takes another form of creativity.  The older I get the more I allow grace and ease in my days. I have goals, but the goals are fluid and open-ended in a specific time frame. (I always do what I HAVE to do). My holiday knitting goals are lofty and maybe delusional but I know what I can do, what I might do and what can wait til next year.  My non-credit classes have been such fun. I enter them wit

Porcini Cardigan

  I finished this sweater last week and once I was finished blocking the sweater, it took forever to dry. Well, it felt like forever. Boy, did I eke out the yarn usage of this project. I only had five skeins of the main color which was wool bought by my husband when he was in Italy in 2018 (??). Why I thought five skeins would be enough yarn for a sweater is a big mystery because he called me from Italy while in a yarn store to make sure I had enough. I blame it on me! I used a skein of knitpicks palette to stripe in at the body of the sweater and for extra measure I used another 'mystery yarn' that is nearly an exact match to the main color. I have about 100 yards left over of the main color (phew!). Now all I need is some cold weather because this is a WARM sweater. What are you working on this week?