

This weekend was filled with lots of shopping.  Now the shopping might be boring for some but maybe not.  We were on the search for a new bed.   There is a small furniture business that we have bought from previously.  They were hit with the flood last September (five feet!!).  A handy coupon and flyer arrived this week to persuade us that we need a bed :) While we shopped the beds, there are many to choose from, I felt like Goldilocks......this bed is to hard, this bed is to soft etc...after selecting and paying they delivered the bed on Saturday (did I mention excellent customer service?).  My husband insisted we keep our old set and we place it in our daughter's room.  The rest of the weekend was bed switching, vacuuming, and rearranging. Today we went to church, and I hope I don't sound like a broken record but AGAIN the people behind us were coughing. sniffing, and clearing their throats (different people). Sadly, I forgot my hand sanitzer.  So during the sign of pe

This Moment

Joining Amanda

Baby February Sweater Complete

I wish I had a baby here to model this sweater.  A borrowed baby that is.  I finished knitting this sweater on Sunday but then had to find buttons and bury in the ends.  I made this sweater before and posted about it here .  I will probably be making one more before winter is over.  Seems to be a baby season. This little sweater is for my husband's previous graduate student.  He and his wife are expecting a girl.  I do not know when and my husband probably doesn't remember either.  So hopefully my dear husband has an address so we can ship off the gift close to the baby's due date.

Yarn Along

While I was visiting my sister and being bombarded by delicious yarn at the knit and crochet show, I was on the look out for some DK weight wool.  I tried very hard to be open minded on color and dyeing technique.  I tend to be so specific of what I want in a yarn that I never find it.  Above is the yarn that I discovered and immediately when we got back to my sister's house I nagged her to help ball it up with her winder and swift.  I am making the wurm hat for me!  The yarn is wonderful and it is made by cosymakes .  It is quite soft and the color is beautiful! I also have on my needles the never ending periwinkle shawl  that should be done next week.  At least I hope it will be done.  My sweater  has been woefully neglected this whole week. Rebecca  continues to adorn my nightstand and has entertained me overall.  I do not think I am loving it as much as I did when I read it as a teenager.  I think because the husband, Maxim, can be quite insensitive at times.  Funny, I

Sisterly Visit

We arrived at my sister's place around dinner time.  My sister graciously invited us for a weekend visit since we had a great time together at the cabin .  Also during this visit, there was the Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet Show .  We attended just on the Saturday to do some yarn shopping, and drooling at the expensive stuff.  Did you know sequins are big in knitting?  Not my style but it apparently is hot right now. These violets sit on her window sill.  Aren't they pretty?  I am not very gifted in the growing plants department.  Right now I am killing an amaryllis.  I just do not think it is going to bloom now.  Over watering is my downfall every single time. Whoop!  This is what I bought at the show.  Lovely lovely yarn.  As you can see I was in a gray/purple mood and a green/yellow mood.  I have no idea what I am going to knit yet.  The green on the far left is becoming a hat and that is as far as I thought about it. This is my sister's sewing/craft room


Oh boy was this weekend full of fun!  There was sister visiting (more on that tomorrow).  Yarn shopping. Dessert eating.  Pen and paper buying!!  Seeing my Favorite Aunt and Uncle. Tell me which is better, buying a new book and smelling the fresh ink?  Or.....buying a new notebook and pen and writing in it?  I think both are filled with bliss. The ride home today was filled with snow, wonky windshield wipers, low windshield wiper fluid and a visit to a gas station to solve that problem.  One lane driving on an interstate because of snowy roads.  A four and half hour drive took almost six hours....but I'm home and there is barely any snow here. Late this afternoon we picked up Frodo who was wiggly and happy to see us.  Unpacking, laundry sorting and scrounging around the freezer for a meal (I found curry!). I will post some photos of our visit tomorrow!! Joining Amanda

This Moment

Joining Amanda